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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Not sure it matters though whether snaps are on or not when you first place the object since hatch patterns automatically start from the origin anyway. 


    Thanks Michael.  I was starting to think no one understood my response.  :wacko:


    My thinking on the snaps was to lock the perimeter to to the snap grid and have a visual reference that things were aligned. 

  2. In Terrain Specifications >  General turn off " Hide Terrain Intersected by Building".   Then let us know what version you are using as you will need to delete the "grass" from the basement afterwards.


  3. Maybe you could update your signature and add your computer specifications to it ?   If you open up task manager while the process is running you will see what components of your system are being stressed.  If you are running windows anyway ?    Most likely a CPU and HD bottleneck but not exactly sure.

  4. I don't have time to look at the file at the moment but you have a "flyer" of some sort that got away from you to some outer region.

    Try using the fill screen tool in plan view and see if the same thing happens and search the outer boundaries for the rogue item.

    • Upvote 1
  5. You can post suggestions in the suggestion forum.  Be sure to include a use case as there may be some extra things to do besides creating the schedule.   Standard, custom ?   This can be deleted after that is done.

  6. Not that it can't be done in Chief Architect because a skilled user can do amazing things with this software but Chief is set up for stick framed residential design work primarily.  You are in for a pretty challenging first build.  Fortunately there are many discussions on Barndominiums that have been archived and you can search them out here on the forum.  I would suggest you read as much as you can.

    • Downvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, para-CAD said:

    Are you using Create CAD Detail from View or not?

    If that's a live section view, it may not be block-able.


    Sometimes if you are using different objects....they won't block.

    I don't remember what the criteria is exactly, but if you create a cad detail from view, then you're dealing with 2D lines only and they will block.


    All true.  However she did state that the details were group selected and then "hit the cad block button"  so that is on the active toolbar and does not even appear unless there is a suitable selection.   Something else is going on here for sure.


    Computer specifications are unlikely the issue but could possibly come into play here.  M$ vs. Mac etc.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 2 hours ago, BDesigns said:

    Thank you for the compliment! I dang near tried everything. I will reach out to tech support tomorrow.


    It could also be a codec issue.  Xvid has been the best for me for a long time even before chief included it in the software package but not sure if it is compatible with mac systems or if that is even a consideration.

  9. It can be done with previous versions but it is a little tricky.  I usually just used Acrobat since chief made it difficult. Now you can shorten the link or possibly even make it invisible with no text or same color as background text.  This allows you to use an image as the link zone which makes it easier to recognize for most people.  I have not tried it myself in x15 yet though.  The other option is to use QR codes so that even your printed PDFs can provide a link.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, BDesigns said:

    Here is an interior shot. Hopefully this one works.


    Yup that works.  Great design. Horrible video recording though.  Let's figure this one out somehow.  Post your plan or get tech support working on it.  Do you have SSA ?

    Crank your FPS up to 60 just to be sure because that looks like about 20 for some reason.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, stevenyhof said:

    Back to real estate, I am planning on adding two 27" monitors (vertical) to each side of this new monitor to add back some space


    You have way more real estate than I do but the flanking vertical monitors are great for websites and reference material.  I love mine. :D

    • Upvote 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Chrisb222 said:

    These tools can easily be placed anywhere you wish in your custom toolbars. This is a real problem?? 


    When you are short on scree space it is a problem.  It would be fine if "anywhere" included an existing dropdown or perhaps a user created dropdown.