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Posts posted by chief58

  1. Dale can't you save the plan you have know and name it whatever you called it and add existing to the file to save it under that name the open the first file and name it proposed and then make the changes to the propoes plan and you don't loose any thing or you can do as suggested using the layer tool

  2. My client would like me to show the garage doors in the picture the left one is correct with hoizontal 4 panels, the larger one on the right is incorrect instead of 4 panels they would like it to show as 8 panels, I know we can change the number of verical panels can we change the number of horizonal panels is there any way to do this or is there something in one of the lib. to be able to show the one on the right in 8 panels.


    Thank you


  3. Draw your steps on the floor you want them on and in the direction you want them to go, then select the room that goes to the basement and select open below and all should be there, one thing you might have to do is make your stairs no fill so you see the stairs below, or do your basement stairs and use the auto stair well tool after you draw the stairs

  4. What freezes? The entire system or a specific program?


    What is your client doing when it freezes? Sometimes video drivers are a problem, especially if you are working in 3D.


    If the whole system is becoming unresponsive, my first guess would be the system is running out of real memory and going to the swap file.


    I'm assuming you are running Windows. You should bring up the task manager and monitor the use of memory to see if you have enough.


    Beyond that there are other potential problems, such as malware, or lack of disk space that could come into play. It is really hard to diagnose something like this without a lot more information.


    I would suggest contacting our support team to see if they can narrow down the cause of problem.

    Doug my computer hangs up and slows down with a pdf file, quicken, Chief could mine be a memory problem. Thanks I am attaching what I think is my computer spec's

    computer spec's.pdf