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Posts posted by chief58

  1. I do my own design but I also do the build as the general contractor.


    Works good here! I have more then I can handle for the rest of the year and into next year. Lot of resources though so I can always handle more. Just worried about the quality if I take on two much so I will have to draw the line somewhere. Don't want to ruin my reputation getting greedy.

    Joey if you make sure of the quality and you control that you will always have work, before getting into just design I did design build and aLways had work and could keep the quality guys work all year and that was through our winters

  2. Scott I agree with you, I was busy all of our winter doing projects and through most of this summer but starting to see a slow down of drawings around here and seems to early with summer just getting here, hopefully something will break and work will start flowing again. I am not out of work but only backed up with a few set of CD to do

  3. Very impressive video and the gentleman operating the program is a true EXPERT. Many are on this site as well. I am a self taught computer user that has been a builder for 34 yrs and using Chief since ver 2. At my age I can't see myself learning another program that may or may not be a better product than Chief. I was truly happy with ver 10 because there was nothing in my range of work I couldn't design but computer upgrade required software upgrade. Ver 17 is AWESOME and like ver 10 this version will be all I need until technology requires me to upgrade. I'm not sure on the how the forum works on SU but this forum helps ALL OF US get better utilization from the program. Dam long winded post to get my answer to OP, no C.A. has no worries of me jumping ship. JMO 

    Shane, I agree with you I also been a user since version 2 and have been in field since 1975 building new homes and remodeling and know just do construction documents, so for me to learn another program it has to be very very good and very easy to use, I am just hoping they made big strides with X8 with steps and railings they needed a total revamp for a while and have been on a lot of wish list along with others that the great guys using CA give as there feed back

  4. Tom I just open that roof dbx and locked the pitch then raised the facia 12", once I did that I joined the roof with the join roof too or the # 2 on the key board, it should work by building that roof on the upper floor then move the other roofs up to where you can see them along with the other one use the break tool which I use # 3 to break then connect them with 2 and adjust as needed. Coming from a construction background being a builder in the field for many years I learned how to build my roofs manually and like doing it that way for me because of understanding how I want things to come together and where they should be on the plan, also  I would make the suggestion to learn annotation sets they work really well when they are setup.Learning these 2 tools has made doing plans so much easier and quicker, when it comes to construction documents, doing electrical plans, framing plans and elevations etc.

  5. Once you save it to your lib. you can make a folder call walls and cut and paste the wal in the lib to the new folder you made, I have a request in to be able to select the folder you make and when you send an item to thelib it would go into that folder to save some steps

  6. Congrats on your retirement hope you enjoy, yes I am and still involved where I am the fire chief in the town I live, using my 30+ years construction background and fire training putting to good use I hope, I see this is your second post you will enjoy the program and the help you will get from these great gals and guys

  7. if you know the existing roof line height that you have drawn copy it and if you want the fascia's to match lock the fascia heght or lock the baseline height on the one you want to match then paste the new ridge height, it will change the pitch and match the ridge heights