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Posts posted by chief58

  1. I will let you know in about 4 days - Amazon Baby..!

    David how much was it on Amazon I see it for $ 103.00 on Lowes site, I will have to look at Amazon, let us know how it works for you sounds like a good investment if it works like it says

  2. I have seen this tool and been reading about it, seems like it would be a very useful item to have for doing measuring of an existing residence to bring to the office for drawing as build in Chief.

    So I was wondering if anyone else has seen or used one of these before investing in one


    Thank you

  3. Ran into this today.   Needs fixed ASAP.   Really a tough one as I have "Wall"X" copy" building up in my plans.....

    I agree this needs to be fixed ASAP, I am having a problem today also it is driving me crazy and losing to much time trying to figure something out

  4. You guys with your Ruby and Macro's are something great and I am envy, all I know with Joe and his macros and the macro of the month has made things a lot better for me and I thank you for that, just wish chief would do more with a macro lib to be able to find things better and faster.


    Thank you guys

    • Upvote 1
  5. Also looks like you painted your walls, when I went to your siding 6 wall type it is a grey siding but your plan shows a brown siding, when changing siding type or color you should do it in the wall type and your can make different wall types