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  1. I'm working with a trial version of Lumion and considering it for upgrading my Chief models. Are you still using it and how do you think it compares to where X15 is now. Thanks

  2. I'm thinking about trying Lumion to enhance my renderings. A few months have passed since your post. I'd love to find out how it is going. You can reach out to me directly at Thanks. Also, here is a link to a video that my daughter received from the architect that designed her home. It was done for a new project
  3. Tried to open the taped box  pland but got an error message that said it could not be opened.736347446_ScreenShot2019-03-13at1_32_21PM.thumb.png.5bc837962c4b478f1d1efdf2b7dec9c4.png

    1. MarkMc


      It's in X11 beta- no reason not to get it

  4. Rene, If you were trying to get the capability for CA, what would change about your set up? I'm wondering what elements would be most important - clock speed or number of cores - or both. Thanks
  5. Ray tracings are a big part of what I do for clients and they take the most time. Before I jump into a much more expensive system (Mac) has anyone set up their own render farm or used a cloud-based connection?
  6. Thanks, It looks like there are several models of the Space Mouse from Connexion. Which one do you have?
  7. Need to start using a Space mouse for smooth tours through my models, but Connexion says they have a driver for Mac, but need CA to assist. In the meantime, does anyone have an alternative vendor that will get the job done while I wait for Chief? Thanks
  8. Need to start using a Space mouse for smooth tours through my models, but Connexion says they have a driver for Mac, but need CA to assist. In the meantime, does anyone have an alternative vendor that will get the job done while I wait for Chief? Thanks
  9. Did Blender work for you? I want to improve my CA renderings to be more photo-realistic. Maybe I can follow in your footsteps. Thanks
  10. Does anyone know how I might connect with other Chief Users who are specializing in interiors and/or kitchens? If your out there, maybe we could touch base after the Chief breakfast at IBS in Orlando (if you're going). Thanks
  11. Any Mac users having luck importing symbol from 3D Warehouse? I have had success with about 10% of my attempts with the trial version of sketch up. I download into Sketchup and then export to .dae. Most of the time there are problems with the symbol showing correctly when I import it into version 7. If the answer is to spend the $590 for the pro version of Sketch up I can do that but I would like to hear from someone out there that is going to be worthwhile. Thanks
  12. I'm a new user of X6 (Mac). I have some luck with exporting models from SketchUp in .dae and then importing to CA. Two problems seem to be that whether or not it will work is iffy and it appears that I can't use SketchUp to do this at all unless I buy the Pro version. Can someone weigh in on this? I am happy to purchase the Pro version if I have some confidence that it will help me augment my library. I started off on this track because I was trying to find the heated towel rack that Scott used in his Sandstone Beam Bath. I also wanted to find the undermount lavs and the sharp looking wall tile. Right now I am 0/3 on those items. Thanks again