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  1. Kbird1's post in Changing Rafter Color? was marked as the answer   
    Changing the Material to say Color - Brown  ( or your favorite BM or SW Color ) didn't used to work as Chief needed a "Framing Material" to Frame, but I think it was X15? that changed and you may not need to blend any more actually as they changed the way Chief Framing worked.  Blending is more like staining the Fir , so a light Color would still show the woodgrain, whereas a Solid Color may work better these Days so instead of "Blending" just switch to your Chosen Color and try it instead.
  2. Kbird1's post in Changing Rafter Color? was marked as the answer   
    Just the Rafter Tails ?  I'm not sure that is possible , but you can still Blend Color with the Fir Material as usual , such as below ( just used yellow cos you used it in 2014  ),
    doing so may turn off the the Auto Roof Build , and you may need to use Edit all Roof Planes for Existing Roof Planes and then match the Color in the Structure Tab again in the Roof Plane Defaults (Build Roof > Materials) there is likely a better way? as it's a bit like chasing your tail.
    are you on X16 or X15 though?
  3. Kbird1's post in Changing Rafter Color? was marked as the answer   
    Changing the Material to say Color - Brown  ( or your favorite BM or SW Color ) didn't used to work as Chief needed a "Framing Material" to Frame, but I think it was X15? that changed and you may not need to blend any more actually as they changed the way Chief Framing worked.  Blending is more like staining the Fir , so a light Color would still show the woodgrain, whereas a Solid Color may work better these Days so instead of "Blending" just switch to your Chosen Color and try it instead.
  4. Kbird1's post in How do I decrease the distance between the floor and the terrain? was marked as the answer   
    That's the Answer right there.....
    Click on the grass , which should let you open the Spec. DBX for the Terrain Perimeter, and uncheck Automatic height and adjust the height as needed....
    * Note  the Text here, Chief wants the Subfloor Height ABOVE the Terrain

  5. Kbird1's post in Furring applied one side of interior 4" walls on "build framing" was marked as the answer   
    It actually NOT ...... you have set the Drywall on that side to be a "Framing Material", and chief is cutting out holes .....  just uncheck the framing box....

    you might want to Add a Sig. , so People know what Version you are using etc...this sometimes matters....  here's how
  6. Kbird1's post in How do I create a framed wall with a transparent (glass) layer so you can see the framing was marked as the answer   
    Hi, you are showing Framing, Wall in your 3D cameras correct ? AND have built the Framing if not on Auto? 
  7. Kbird1's post in Vaulted Room still showing ledger/rim board for second floor was marked as the answer   
    I think that is the room base showing not a ledger , try removing the moldings from the Room.
  8. Kbird1's post in Program Paths was marked as the answer   
    Chief has a KB Article on how to move Chief off Cloud Services, personally I have moved Chief to C\:Chief Architect as OneDrive keeps messing up my Backups etc, as well as slowing Chief down  ( it seems to me despite 1GB internet ) and if, as in my case, OneDrive AUTO re-ables itself after a Windows Update everything in Documents gets MOVED back to the OneDrive folder again.
  9. Kbird1's post in Dimensioning problem with legacy plan brought forward to x15 was marked as the answer   
    Not sure exactly what the Issue is but I did see exactly what you are but once I reset the Primary Format from 1:1 in the Dimension Defaults it reverted both my Dim and the Auto Dims to normal...
    PS setting it back to 1:1 does not make it occur here again so ........
  10. Kbird1's post in Dimension tool for each Plan View? was marked as the answer   
    I recommend creating a dedicated SPV for different Views needed and switching between them to perform different tasks eg Foundation Plan, Framing Plans, Demo Plans etc etc,which also include a dedicated Default Set (Anno), Layerset  and  all other Defaults (see pic below) , so that things go to the Correct Layer in different Views and one SPV's Defaults, don't accidently Overwrite another's because they Share a Layer or Default etc. 
    You can duplicate any (closest to what you want) to begin and then Make new Defaults ( use Green Cross) seen below leaving the Default Set to LAST, as it will give you the Option to create a new Default Set once you start making new Defaults lower down. ( the 1st icon will become available, it's greyed out in pic below )

  11. Kbird1's post in Dimensions - how to alter was marked as the answer   
    Makes me wonder if previously, whichever HD product you used had it's dimensions also Set to 1" like the Snaps, instead of 1/8th or 1/16th, so previously any in-accuracy was not noticed in the Dims. when Drawing as 4' 3/8" would of rounded down to 4' for example.
    Some CA Videos on Dimensioning......... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/92/dimensions.html

  12. Kbird1's post in Trim Question was marked as the answer   
    Solids and Molding Lines probably , but you can use the Window case to auto generate that part.........
    No comments on the "Turkey Door"  Please     ( the Client imported it from Turkey )

  13. Kbird1's post in Apply Bypass Door Hardware to 'Both' Doors was marked as the answer   
    AFAIK Chief won't do it automatically, but you can copy the Handle you like, to your User Library and change the 3D Symbol , X,Y,Z Options and then place it in front of the Doors and move into Position for height etc. in and Elevation View  ( and Plan view if you want to recess it slightly).
  14. Kbird1's post in How to make a ext insulated roof with thinner gables/eaves? was marked as the answer   
    Your Idea should work , but if you pull the insulated Roof inside the Walls and the non-insulate over the Walls it will control the wall's heights automatically.
  15. Kbird1's post in I made an odd roofline on a Pavilion I am designing but it will not behave. was marked as the answer   
    The Full plan is a bear for sure , you have a ton of "Geometric Shapes" ,  and some at least could be done differently eg all the timber framing on the pavilion could be true roof or floor beams , the roof beams should find their own pitch for example once the roof is built and the posts and beams could be done Auto with the Railing Tools.
    One a Plan this advanced in development you could "break" the Roofs on existing structures if you turn Auto Build Roofs back on , but that would still mean having walls and the Wall Directives setup before hand too , so manual maybe just as quick....  
    Chief LOVES to snap things to CAD lines , be it walls or Roof Plane edges , so set up some CAD reference Centers Lines ( orange below ) , I just picked the Center of the Chimney and then set up Radial CAD Lines every 20° for example and so they swing the full 180° , these can then be used to get the Walls and Roof Planes all intersect where they should.
    Then draw the Middle Roof Plane , setting the correct (fascia) height so it joins to the Cricket RP and use copy reflect, to flip the planes about themselves around the Half Circle, pulling the corner diamonds to the CAD Lines as needed ,roughly done below in 2nd pic, though I haven't fix overhangs or angles on the outer edge as I'm out of time, but another CAD Line would work for that,  for precise angles and length , eg use the Regular Polygon Tool to make a 18 sided ( 18 x 20° = 360 ) polygon with 8' sides (Or as calculated)  and centre and rotate it to the orange CLs with the center tool once placed. (green in Pic below) Then snap the outer corners of the RPs to the corner of the Reg. Polygon.
    *** Actually it would be easier to do the REG. Polygon 1st and then snap your Radial CAD lines to it's points.....
  16. Kbird1's post in Problematic wall niche and more was marked as the answer   
    Where to start ? 
    Turning the Frame Off in the Niche should just leave you with a drywalled opening , ( See TV Niche below)  so I suspect you wall definition may not be standard if you are seeing brown (probably the Framing?) however, for the desk area I would not use a Niche , but a Doorway with no Frame and use the Room Settings in the "Room" to apply floor coverings (carpet) etc, to match the Main Room and also to lower the Ceiling in the Makeup Area "Room" over the Desk. ( lower the Ceiling with an AIRGAP above the Ceiling Drywall so the Roof isn't effected.)
    Wall Elevation Cameras only see what is in the room they are in, so it's possible you won't see objects in other Rooms , the View may also be back-clipped and thus you don't see objects outside the back-clip distance, however the Cross section view (pic no#2) is reversed ( niche should be on right not left) so I think you took it from the wrong side ?
    * the strange Triangular lines in this view also tell me that you have not pulled the camera far enough past the surface of the wall..... those are actually the wall surface geometry triangles showing.
    - Yes you can change the color of the Niche in the Material DBX ( probably says Drywall by default )
    - Not all objects will be easily selectable in Elevation , you'd need to be more specific but I think you mean the Desk ? if the Cross section is through the desk? it will be very hard to select , best thing to do is in Plan View shorten the Desk surface so you see the End of the Object in the Elev. Camera then you can select it easily.
    - Depending on the Material/situation you can use Wall coverings, Material Regions or even thin 3D Solids to put different materials on a Wall.
    If you need the plan to look at let me know........
  17. Kbird1's post in Shed roof into Main roof was marked as the answer   
    this should help Ray...... CA should join the two planes easily once setup correctly....
  18. Kbird1's post in Walls Short of Shed Roof was marked as the answer   
    Then Try Ballooning the Walls Up in their Structure Tabs.
    * you do have Auto Attic Walls Enabled right?    >  Press Alt-Q (general Wall Defaults shortcut) and see if it checked.
  19. Kbird1's post in gray out underlying drawing was marked as the answer   
    You could do it by turning off the layer  > Walls, Layers    and then making the Walls, Normal layer  -  Line Color Gray but not sure if that is the "look" that is required?  I also use the same gray (RGB 152,152,152) for the Doors, Windows, Stairs etc in the Roof Framing Layer Set. 
    ( Make sure Walls, Main Layer only is OFF to see Walls full width. )

  20. Kbird1's post in Wall through roof plane was marked as the answer   
    No, it's not a Dormer as you mentioned I believe, just the second Story Wall inset say 400-600mm from the Wall below, with a "notch" cut in the lower Roof Plane to expose it.  Mansard roofs are always a bunch of Manual Work in CA but do-able ( start Auto and then move the two planes as needed ) especially this one which seemed easier than one with true Dormers, which CA tends to have Issues with joining the Interior Walls in my experience, but here the Walls are not Cut but bumped against the Roof Framing.
  21. Kbird1's post in Auto Dimensions Question was marked as the answer   
    It is Automatic  (hard - coded), see page 481 of the Manual , however you can move them once you turn off "Auto Refresh"
    here is a manual Snip...............

  22. Kbird1's post in How to display wall framing was marked as the answer   
    Did you Build the new Walls' Framing as well?  and make sure Framing, Wall (layer) is on in the Camera View? 
  23. Kbird1's post in Lighting Ray Tracing between open floors was marked as the answer   
    You only have 8 lights turned on in the Camera.....try 200.... with the Default Light Set , not Automatic with 2 levels as well

    Looks like you PBR Setting are low too , try .35 for exposure and 30 for brightness as well.....
    and with PBR make sure you have a foundation as well as a Roof or an Extra Floor above to help control the lighting engine in X14, and also remove any colored background eg trees as it will cause color bleed into the view ( ie green cast if trees).

  24. Kbird1's post in Reverting Default Settings in Chief was marked as the answer   
    I typically do this for the horrible plans that come from Canvas I am given..........
    Open one of your Preferred Plans ( your Template if you have one ) and Export everything available to a Known Backup folder for reuse...
    eg : C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X14 Data\Backups
    also save a copy for your Preferred Plan into this same folder , so you can import Saved Plan Views (SPVs) and Defaults ( not Default Sets) too from it.
    Export :
    Default Sets  ( Annotation Sets in old-speak) Layersets Wall Definitions  ( may not be needed ) Note Types  
    On Import in to the Provided Plan make sure to Overwrite/Replace etc in each case....
    Then Import the SVPs from the Preferred Plan, followed by the Defaults
  25. Kbird1's post in Determining where a file reference is coming from? was marked as the answer   
    might be enough to rename the Live Oak plan temporarily with .old or something....