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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. Im not sure I fully understand the primitive tool-set in CA.  The name of these tools doesn't inspire


    There are quick things I can do in Vectorworks to add to this A-board like chamfer the edges slightly and add brackets to the top edges at the existing slop angle....which to me seems next to impossible in Chief.  I am curious about this, and whether or not its just my lack of knowledge of this app.  Even just creating shapes that say include a rounded inside corner to the legs seem a task...but maybe i am wrong.

    Can't chamfer edges that I'm aware of but adding brackets etc. - pretty easy. Here's a gate I created as a symbol with 3D hinges etc.


    Can't find the symbol but the Layout shows the 3D view. Each rail, each stile, each iron rod, each board, all the hinges, handles etc. created in Chief, saved as a symbol and imported into the drawing.






    Here's a better 3D pic.



  2. Normally I like to bash Chief for its shortcomings, and this kind of project is definitely easier in another program (like Sketchup), but I was able to knock together a sandwich board in about 10 minutes using polyline solids converted to solids, boolean operations on the solids, explode the solids and assign materials. So, it may be, as others have stated, that if you spend time understanding how to do things with Chief, it gets easier.



    An expert in either Sketchup or Chief or Vectorworks can create this symbol in about the same time - under 5 minutes in Chief with Glenn's video proof above.


    If I just started Chief and I came from a Sketchup background I'd be screaming about the stupid Chief 3D tools. I'd be screaming in the same way if I came from Vectorworks or AnyOtherCAD.


    If I just started Sketchup it would take me MUCH longer to create this symbol and the same with Vectorworks etc.


    I keep making this point but for me Chief can make all the symbols I need for my business. Awkward at times and downright cantankerous at others but it can be done and having the forum member show their skills here is very refreshing and a great learning experience for me.

  3. Here  is my take on the sandwich board.

    Same as Larry with some curves and artwork.





    I think you are wrong. :)



    Can it model a multi-layered wall with materials and framing, EASILY? 

    AND have all the smarts that a Chief wall has?



    Glad you got your video chops figured out with Jing. Look forward to more. Oh Yeah forgot you could change the angle of Symbols after they are created - nice tip.

  4. Larry


    Some would say that Chief has a rather large learning curve.  Learning and using another program or programs is just another step on the path to getting things done.


    I appreciate the points you made.  However it seems to me that what we are talking about is not the particular business model of CA users, but rather the business slash marketing strategy of CA.  Chief markets to it's strengths, which is why I like it so much.  Those strengths are it's architectural modeling and automation.  Long list, Glenn summed it up rather nicely.


    In a niche driven market IMO Chief has and will continue to pursue what differienciates it from the competition.  If it didn't do that we would not have the program we have today, nor would it survive long in the jungle.  However, those things that fall outside of that target market will probably always recieve less than adequate attention.  I would rather have Chief at it's best, and use the best of breed programs from other niche market developers along with Chief.  That is not saying that I do not appreciate the need to impove Chief's tools.  Just not willing to wait when perfectly good solutions are already available.

    Good points Rod and I agree. I really appreciate all the input in threads like these, so much still to learn - about all the options available.

  5. Great input and like I mentioned in the video I posted there's people a lot smarter than me that will be here to add their knowledge. 


    Also nice to see how a program like Vectorworks works, and especially in the hands of someone who has obviously used it for many years or at least is very proficient. As impressive as those features might be we are really comparing apples and bananas. Two programs with entirely different purposes and once again it comes down to a person's business and the model that works for them.


    If someone thinks Vectorworks is fast at these tasks then so be it, but the long, long, long, learning curve has been forgotten as one 'blazes' through such tasks, which look neither fast nor easy to someone unfamiliar with a program like Vectorworks, or TurboCad or WhateverOtherCAD.


    For me personally I don't want to learn Vectorworks or AnyOtherCAD. I don't want to create symbols that require that kind of complexity and expertise. Why? Because my business does not require it. If yours truly does then my empathy extends to the amount of effort required to get all the needed pieces completed for your business. 


    I can create or import almost anything in Chief that is needed to run my business and satisfy my clients but I also accused Chief tools of being an insult to the term pathetic in its implementation and I even think that's too kind. It's a struggle in Chief but it gets easier over time and there's ways to get everything I need for my business done in Chief. Again business model, business model, business model.


    Not rooting for Chief and wish things were easier but learning another program and the (overlooked and barely mentioned) incredible learning curve is not for me. Please Chief spend some time improving these (non) features for those who need them.

  6. Thanks Curt, Hard to imagine adding to the huge amount of existing videos but if there's a specific problem someone has maybe I can help with a video, other than the fact I'm usually asking instead of instructing, maybe I can help.

  7. Have tried quite a few methods but am stumped. Ended up creating individual landings within a newly defined invisible wall area but the pain was pretty severe. Can it be automagically? Any help appreciated. I'll try and post a plan but a technique would be greatly appreciated.


    That outside part wall/part railing has me stumped as well.



  8. Usually that on board graphics card gets disabled in the BIOS. To get to the BIOS setting you need to press a certain key while booting and that key can be a little different for each BIOS and computer. You should be able to find how to get into the BIOS with a manual or google it online to find the key. Looks like it's the F2 key. Hold the F2 key while booting up the computer. That should get you into the BIOS and the audio card settings are in there.


    Disable the on board graphics. Many times as soon as you disable the on-board grahics the other card will be enabled but there might also be a setting for that NVidia card to be enabled in the BIOS as well. Hope that helps.

  9. The shot looks good but no way to tell if it's fast without your settings and the plan to compare times. 10 passes in 30 minutes is really fast - or really slow depending on the lighting, settings, photons, caustics etc.


    Run the same RT on your older LapTop and see what you get. Also send screen shots of your settings - advanced etc. and that will get you a lot of much better help.


    BTW the audio on internet video like YouTube takes a cr@p while RayTracing here - should I stop watching cat videos? 


    You can change the settings as advised above if you want the priority to go to Chief instead of RayTracing. I've never tried it because I want to cook my RT's as fast as possible

  10. LOVE your videos!! I was as frustrated as you when trying stuff out and the auto rebuild terrain was not working as you saw, even though it was checked, oh wait sometimes it does update. So I was making changes and nothing was changing in the 3D view - crazy making.


    I really like your explanation with the zero starting point and all other levels relative to the floor levels. I made the mistake (although it came out fine) of starting with the upper level at -102" because That's where the entry to the house was and blah blah blah I can see it makes no sense but got it to work somehow.


    Thanks again for taking the time.

  11. Thanks Scott,


    I thought I had this figured out but don't do them that often. Your vid looks like it's still loading but will take a look as soon as it does. 


    I did get a reasonable representation of the terrain using elevation regions, was just stumped by that initial weirdness. And as Perry said my terrain was not auto updating, even though the setting was checked.


    Another thanks and have a Happy New Year!!



  12. Thanks Perry. Can't for the life of me see what you did differently. Maybe added the 0" height terrain region above? Will Elevation regions interact with JUST the Terrain Perimeter (video show it does not) or do they need another data point, like a elevation line or region in order to have an effect on the terrain?


    Very much appreciate your time Perry and I'll continue to thrash my way through. Happy New Year to All.

  13. Yeah I've got that entire lower area beyond the house set as a single elevation region. The plan has it being short of the edge of the terrain feature but extending it all the way doesn't change that weird upwards slope. Plan is attached if you have time.