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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Here's what I would like. I would like to hit my elevation camera view and have everything set up from various default settings. I would like the sun set to follow camera; shadows set to 15%; shadows toggled on; color toggled off. I am now getting various settings that don't seem to follow the defaults I have set up, which for now appears to be only Vector View and the default shadow intensity that has to be adjusted with each elevation camera view by clicking the reset to default button, meaning it acts like there is no default setting at all. Is there more control in the defaults that I am missing?
  2. Had a similar problem Michael - I sent a bug report and file to tech.
  3. I think it begs the question too Lew. Always wondered that myself, but I guess it really isn't so popular anymore?
  4. I'm guessing you read but didn't heed any of the sage advice given here? Or read it and ignored it? And you are somehow surprised that software developed in 2008 2004 should run on 2016 OS? ...or you could even google your problem (like I did which took 15 seconds) and maybe get your software up and running.
  5. Helpful as always Scott but maybe back to the reason for this thread? I just discovered something that I think is a bug. When using roof planes within a reference set the ridge does not show on the ref layer. Anyone want to test this? Here's the second floor roof planes, with ridge. Here's the ref set with the ridge missing.
  6. Here's literally weeks worth of videos.
  7. Here's another opinion. Hang in there David and keep thrashing until it all makes sense to you. Don't worry about 'copying' other plans. I had zero drafting or architectural experience when I first started with Chief. It's not an easy program no matter your experience and the only way to really learn is jump in head first. I began by 'copying' others' plans. Not to steal or to create a house that was the same but just so I could understand how to draw plans. Nothing nefarious or untoward, just needed a place to start. A lot of the forum members come from very formal Architectural backgrounds and their valuable opinions come from those backgrounds. Other of us have thrashed their way through to understanding Chief. No one is right but you have to follow your gut and find a way through. There's tons of helpful videos out there that will help you with the basics but it's all about seat time. There's no short cuts and if you phrase your questions correctly and courteously and show you are putting some effort in you will get tons of help. Hang in there.
  8. I thought so. My mind gets all logical at times thinking one would show floor framing on the floor it pertains to but there are conventions I suppose. I just hit auto frame and adjust manually from there. Doesn't matter I don't think - it will show where Chief decides it should show. I'm over it.
  9. ...I'm on the second floor. I spec my floor framing as 14" TJI's (not important). I hit the auto framing button in build framing. I look and there's no floor framing showing. Ah that's because I have to go down to the first floor - it's showing there as ceiling framing. I've worked like this forever and might be missing something. Any tips/tricks or this just how CA works? thanks
  10. Perry's correct. I just bought the one below and it works well in X7/X8. The more you spend the better performance. The 3D performance is very good on the laptop below. The RayTracing takes a long time because the CPU is a bit weak. As a desk top replacement I would need a faster CPU for RayTracing. Here's a bunch of choices from Amazon. Here's a thread discussing the laptop I bought.
  11. Amazing how threads can devolve. To the OP. How many 'clients' plans have been posted on this forum? How much damage has come from such postings? Relax.
  12. NICE! Tried it and it works. Now if I can only remember this stuff for next time. Thanks for your help Michael - appreciate your time.
  13. Thank you Michael, Glenn, I just tried it on a new plan template and everything moved to a new layer, leaving no points behind. This template plan was defaulting to the layer I was changing it to - no need to try and understand that. Strange, but a great tip none the less Glenn - it worked great Thank you
  14. Thanks Michael, That method solves a different problem. The 'points' that are left after shift selecting and moving the numbered dims to another layer are not on a unique layer, but instead share items on the same layer. It's easy to understand that the 'points' would not necessarily be on the same layer as the dims they refer to but when using the dimension tool it would be nice if they were and would change layers along with the numbered dims when group selected.
  15. ...behind. I have some point to point dims that I want to hide so I created a new layer. The dims moved to that new layer but the points remained behind on the original layer. I can't shift select them with the dim tool and now must select each one and change its layer individually. Ugh. X8. Am I missing something?
  16. ...uh maybe under Defaults>Cameras>Sun - Doh!
  17. ...can't figure out how to set the sun 'default' Thanks
  18. This bug should have been fixed as soon as it was discovered IMO, which is now quite some time. It kills new wall type names which is crucial in almost any custom wall set-up. I also just did a presentation showing off CA to a kitchen design firm that I want to adopt Chief so we can work together more seamlessly. They bought Chief, with this bug, and can't create custom wall definitions. Not good. Needs fixing now.
  19. I'm going to step away from this thread with one last chart comparing Quadro and GeForce video cards. Quadro cards work fine in Chief but do some research before you buy one. There are many articles explaining the differences and why they might not be the best choice for Chief. Best of luck.
  20. By all means buy what you prefer, but Chief recommends the NVidia gaming cards, not the Quadros - just sayin'.
  21. Quadro cards work fine in Chief and also have some specially written drivers for specialty 3D software like SolidWorks, 3D animation, and others, have more accurate rendering engines enabled, and command a higher price for that specialization. Chief doesn't take advantage of those drivers or capabilities and bases its rendering engine on the OpenGL standard of which the gaming cards take much better advantage of, and at a lower price. If you use Solid Works or another software program that takes advantage of, or needs the Quadro standard and precision then that might be a wise (and expensive) choice. If you are looking for a video card for Chief then save your money and get a nice OpenGL card like the NVidia or AMD Radeon chip sets.
  22. Jerry, Check your wall definition and make sure the brick has the proper thickness.
  23. Here's the current graphics champ - if your shopping for a Chief card. IMO it's only overkill if you can't afford it. There's never too much computer horsepower, again IMO.,4391.html
  24. Nice Dermot, I didn't expand the wall tools to find it - Thank You