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Everything posted by SH_Canada

  1. is there a way to get rid of the leaves for RT:
  2. Is there a way to show the windows less grey?
  3. started to think that but was hoping it was not the case as they were in the symbols DBX. but here nor there the materials definition worked well
  4. Anyone tried to do this since? I'm looking to just show the branches. I turned off the bloom time, leaves, no difference Is there a material that is "transparent"? The material is embedded in the tree symbol. Is there a way to get it out and then change it to transparent?
  5. I don't see "windows opening" layer. Is it somewhere else:
  7. yes 525 ended Feb 1. given it went to 595, an increase of 13%, and if that continued every year, getting it for $499 is a good deal comparatively as that would be less than the cost of borrowing (around 5%). i.e. to borrow $500 a year would cost roughly $25 per year so even if the 13% was a one time for the next three years, it would be $500+$525+$550= $1575 compared to 525+595+595=$1715 for the best case scenario
  8. so can you buy it at $525*0.95 for as many years as you want?
  9. i responded by email and did not hear back. good to know its 5% discount. Is it 5% of todays SSA for as many years that you want to purchase?
  10. lol, they look better than the shed roofs to nowhere, IMHO. and can at least be painted in the future
  11. yes that is what I would like, although one more stud horizontally on top of the header would be nice to box it in, buit i'll live without that. is your 3'1 wall where the door is, the pony wall or is your whole wall a pony wall? my ortho (framing) is not right because it has framing to the floor above where yours doe snot not sure what I did but now I can't get the jack/king to show
  12. I'm saying CA is enforcing a min 12" (you cannot have a smaller cantilever through configuration) This CA harcoded limitation comes into play when I have a 3' or 3'6 landing/deck. CA puts the beam at 2/2'6 feet from the house, when in reality the cant should be less than 12" in order to observe the rule. in other words, CA is not observing the rule. And course, the other issue is it does not allow flush beams to be configured, in order to pick up columns
  13. are they X12 templates upgraded to X13 and then plan file saved from there, or only on plans created from a template originating in X13. I'm only wondering because when X13 came out I asked if people were actually rebuilding templates in X13 and all I heard was crickets
  14. and still have the seperate wall? I tried the seperate short pony wall, and it looks like it would work in the dbx, but not the ortho I tried to build framing for the short wall and no difference the highlighted wall is the pony wall
  15. that gets it closer. but I wanted the concrete above the header to remain when I create a separate wall for that short distance, it frames all the way to the floor above
  16. i believe it is hardcode to a min cantilever of 12 or 16" (to center of beam) from my previous experimentation
  17. hmm, if i make the concrete "framing" then it tries to "frame" the entire concrete wall. I fiddled with the spacing, but still, it looks to be trying to frame the wall as opposed to just the door
  18. I need to specify a jack, king, header for a foundation door being cut into concrete. so on the door dbx i included a header added more RO checked the trimmer count but I do not see it on the framing overview. it correctly shows the RO wider, just no lumber (yellow is the air gap for a furred wall). and it looks like the "Wall detail" function is not available for foundation walls. Has anyone been able to show a framing detail for a door/window in a foundation wall? i dont see it on a cross section of the door either In the end I manually drew in some on the elevation, not ideal
  19. Can this be done, such that if you add a new row in between say 2 and 3, all the other lines will move to the next column, and increment?
  20. i believe this request was made previously and the answer was no, or I saw it asked on a webinar and the answer was no
  21. almost looks like the text size changed. Are you sure you are using the right layer set? I'd try changing the layer set to other layersets to see if that makes a difference