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Everything posted by SH_Canada

  1. for 2x6 walls here, they will typically place a 2x6 on flat below the header (which is typically 2ply), as the header is shoved to the outside wall. if there is no 2x6 on flat below the header, there is nothing to brad nail the window casing to or attach drywall to For dimensional number if the framer framed the wall as chief shows it in a wall detail, he would have to rip a 2x4 down to a 2.5" or less (depending on the curve of the 2x10s) or install 2x3 on edge wide piece to place against the header. below is how it is typically framed here. notice the 2x on flat i added. Anyway to get chief to do this? I tried box headers but that did not seem to do anything. It impacts the maximum height of windows from the floor that you can specify. If you are tring to get wndows to align with door heights, and you have a wide window which needs a 2x10 header, then you actually need 9.25+3.5+1.5 = 14.25 from the top plate, instead of 12.75 thanks
  2. i tried a few of the obvious, "opening" as well, no luck. must be a commno thing though?
  3. "overwrite the existing auto dimensions" would be seem to more accurate as the program seems to be changing it once you create the new auto dimension. retroactively implies there are multiple sets that it goes back and overwrites. I suspect there is only one set, and it keeps overwriting it
  4. Hi, I'm looking to auto dimension a roof layout, but I can't get the auto dimension to pick up the roof plane. it will only pick up the wall. I tried changing from surfaces to wall dimension layer, but it doesnt seem to make a difference. Am I missing something or are people manually dimensioning either the eave to wall or eave or eave to eave. I had to manually dimension below. I would prefer it if auto dimensioned just the eave all the way around
  5. I will post a little tidbit I learned. If you auto dimension it goes to a specific layer as specified in the defaults->dimensioning->auto dimension, NOT the layer defined by your annotation(now know as "Default") set. However what I also found out after noticing my auto dimensions coming on and off dfferent SPVs, is that the auto dimension set layer is global and is applied retroactively to any which have been set already. For instance, goto your floor plan SPV. goto defaults->dimensions->auto exterior dimensions-> and change the layer to "dimensions, xyz". Then click on your auto exterior dimensions. dimensions will appear with layer "dimensions, xyz" then goto some other plan view, and goto defaults->dimensions->auto exterior dimensions-> and change to "dimensions, automatic". Then click the Auto exterior dimensions. the dimensions wlll be on layer "dimensions, automatic" but if you go back to your floor plan SPV and click on the exterior dimensions, they will no longer be on layer "dimensions, xyz", they will be on layer "dimensions, automatic". You can mitigate this by inserting a step after you create the auto dimensions, whereby you select all dimensions (quick way to do this is to click on the ruler button, and then shift draw a selection for the whole plan. open the up the dialog, and turn any check box on and then off. This seems to effectively tell the program they are no longer automatic dimensions, and the layer you intended will be kept. Some may ask but why dont you keep the auto dimensions the same for each view? well for different views I may want to dimension to different things and have more or less dimensions, for instance a roof plan doesn't need dimensions to openings
  6. looks like your two roof planes are not centered together over the garage. It looks like your one roof plane ends at the intersection of the wall with the roof. You will need to edit this roof plane and move to center of garage. Easiest way to test this is to shorten the roof plane so it misses the wall, and then move to the center of the garage. The other "skyhigh" roof plane needs to be moved back to the center of the garage. Essentially the roof planes (in plan view) need to meet in the middle of the garage
  7. I managed to fix the framing. The issue seems to have occured when I moved the stairs. Interestingly I discovered this when I ran into another issue. I was trying to move the joist bearing line by using the center object tool. it would not move. I then tried to move it manually, it would move but not to the middle, even if I specified the distance. I ended up deleting it, and then drawing it again(turning off auto build first), then turning auto build on. and the joist then got built all the way across. The plywood (which is part of the stairs) still builds "through" the joist. But at least the joist now goes all the way
  8. Eric, Thanks very much for the lesson. Many new things I learned, the align walls to center was excellent, as I was sitting there using the cntrl key to try and align. The whole move the railing out from the wall and create a room divider, oh my, I sat there before for a while trying to move it only to have it spring back and then give errors if I used the cntrl key. I had given up room divider instead of leaving the wall, much better way to guarantee the alignment and the delete floor trick was very helpful. One thing I noticed was odd is the attic wall rebuilt in the wrong place for you, and then you moved it and got the warning that it was an autobuilt wall, and it will not rebuild. any idea why it rebuilt in the wrong place (when I was fixing it earlier they rebuilt in the correct place)? or maybe a better question, do you have to move autobuilt walls very often? I've been trying to avoid at all costs thanks again for the great lesson! It is all these little tricks that one needs to know
  9. For parallel trusses with a ridge beam I show the detail of the connection on a section. I refer to the truss package date in the comments. For other trusses "Trusses for illustration purposes only. Actual Trusses to be supplied by 3rd party. I like to see a truss in a section, even if it is only one.
  10. it seems very finicky. If I adjoin my stair ceiling plane to my vaulted ceiling plane, I get: but if I take it back a little bit I get below. I also notice in vector view it shows the line, but in standard view it shows continuous ceiling plan. The ceiling plane is set at the same height as the adjacent room ceiling height, so I assume these lines are just to show. I tried turning off a couple layers but it did not change. I noticed that my sloped ceiling planes were not entirely to the wall, so I adjusted that and now it works with the adjoining ceiling planes I also played around with the ceiling plane over the hall railing and over the office wall. It did not seem to make a difference. One last question if I may, where are the ceiling planes supposed to align to for a pitched ceiling, I assume the inside of the wall in order to properly build the truss? on the gable end does it matter? for flat ceiling planes, does it matter if it is next to the wall or overtop? Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. ...and I have no idea how those manual perpendicular walls were in the attic. I think it was actually the railing drawn on the main floor, before I moved the stairs. I think somehow the 1' of railing was left when I was moving it around, The framing is still broken though, any idea on how to fix it? The floor looks fine in non framing view, but the joist does not go the whole way and there is plywood cutting through the joist. I f I try and extend the joist I get the warning that it is an auto build ignore below, it wont delete the screenshot after I posted
  11. thanks. What I notice is that I need to dimension smaller things, which mean smaller font, same with text, otherwise they start overlapping. For instance to make sure my closets are 2' deep I put in a dimension, so when I am moving things around I can see that I maintain 2' or I want to put in a room label "Linen" which needs to fit into a 2'x2' closet, but i dont want that dimension to show on the roof plan or ceiling plan, where I have some other manual dimensions. this would imply I need the different size dimensions on at least some of different layers, which to your point, I should setup based on the 90% use case, not the entire range of possibilities because they will rarely or never happen. I was perhaps a bit frustrated in setting these up as I went in the plan, trying to use the Dimensions manual, and then moving them to an actually named layer ("foundation plan), instead of a properly named layer set, such as "Dimensions. Foundation". although in pondering these two options I'm not sure it is worth it to create a new layer for Dimensions, Foundation. I could just use the named layer "Foundation" and assign text, dimensions to it as I'm not sure I would have the case where I want ot show dimensions but not text on that layer On another note, I decided to create a foundation plan and a basement plan to keep the foundation plan purely concrete driven showing strip footings and pads for posts, while the basement plan has all the rooms, HVAC, labels etc Thanks for the tip on the section I'll need to look a little more into this: "In many cases all you have to do is set Text to be controlled by Layer in which case one single annotation can be used in multiple Layer Sets and result in a different (and suitable) text style for each scale." as this sounds like a better solution than creating 192 sets.
  12. thanks, I tried but it still does not work. now the layer of drywall comes out, but there is still a wall above it. In the original post I show a wall clear across in the attic. Is there something different I should be doing in the attic. Thanks for your help. I spent an hour or so today trying to sort this out...frustrating
  13. So this is what I am doing as I want dimensions, text on the same layer as the layer defined in the view: Foundation plan view->Foundation Plan Layer Set->default Set-> 1/2" Foundation Set 1/2" Foundation set then has: 1/2" Scale dimension Foundation - set to Foundation Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Rich Text Foundation- set to Foundation Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Text Foundation- set to Foundation Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Callouts Foundation- set to Foundation Plan layer Set Section plan view->Section Plan Layer Set->default Set-> 1/2" Section Set 1/2" Scale dimension Section - set to Section Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Rich Text Section- set to Section Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Text Section- set to Section Plan layer Set 1/2" Scale Callouts Section- set to Section Plan layer Set ...repeat for rest of plan views ...repeat ALL for 1/8,1/4,3/8 so 4x12x4 = 192 sound about right?
  14. ...and I should probably create a new layer for them as well. so I have 12 new dimension layers, 12 new text layers, etc. this would also help when I use automatic dimensions, because I could change the layer to "dimension, foundation" prior to doing them... seems like a lot of work
  15. my math was off. I could do it this way and create a multitude of dimension sets, but that is large. For instance if I have a foundation view and a floor plan view, and I wanted to be able to draw dimensions at 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2, for each layer, I would need 4x2= 8 dimension sets. As I am creating about 12 plan views, this would be 48 dimension sets. not ideal. but then there s the text, rich text, callouts, markers, notes, arrows. so for my 12 plan views, I need 48 dimensions sets, plus 48 text plus 48 rich text plus.... This will take a very long time to initially enter. Is this what people actually do, or do people just draw them and then resize? or something else?
  16. is that how it always needs to be done? ...wondering why that fixed it....
  17. i just bought an ACER Nitro, i7 16GB 16" display with NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti. the one you mention looks close, better graphics, same memory, maybe less of a processor?? mine works well. I like the large screen, which is why I bought it. $1400 CAD ~$1100 US
  18. Joey, Are you doing this by maintaining the text, leader lines, and background and then placing on each section, for each plan, in lieu of canned CAD blocks? this would mean for each roof pitch, you are adjusting the labels for truss/wall detail?
  19. Hi, I have some stairs coming from the basement into a living room with a vaulted ceiling. unfortunately the stairs come into the room (from the hallway about a foot). And there is now a bumped out wall where there should not be above it. It is outside of the "open to below" stair room. It looks like what is causing this is the railing/doorway that gets created for the stairs to land on. it looks like this invisible railing/doorway wall is getting a wall above it built. changes to the open to below room do not seem to make a difference below is what it looks like including the view from the attic. On another note, I had to move these stairs to the right a couple feet and now the floor framing will not complete. Not sure if they are related. I can fix manually but it gives me the break automatic build warning. I would like to keep everything autobuilt. Anyone know how to fix that as well? Thanks
  20. done. it would be nice to have a toggle button between dimension default layer and plan view layer
  21. may I ask where this is set? In my plan views settings, I can pick a dimension set, but that dimension set has it's own layer. For instance, the "1/8" dimension defaults" has its own layer property, which is set as "dimension, manual". if I change this to layer "foundation", when I draw a p2p dimension it will set that dimension on the "foundation" layer. but if I goto my "floor plan"view and use this "1/8" dimension defaults", it sets it to the "foundation" layer I could do it this way and create a multitude of dimension sets, but that is large. For instance if I have a foundation view and a floor plan view, and I wanted to be able to draw dimensions at 1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2, for each layer, I would need 4x2= 8 dimension sets. As I am creating about 12 plan views, this would be 48 dimension sets. not ideal. If there is a way to override the dimension set layer property with the plan view, that would be helpful. same question for text and leader lines thanks