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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. I think I am about at the end, or at lease a good place to say that we can now produce a more life like grass in Chief. I know this thread was about Twinmotion, but I am back at Chief to do my renderings. I still use Twinmotions now and then, like to create new background images. I made like 20 new backgrounds, but I use them in a different way. Details in the link below... Download the Library of Leaves, Clover and Grunge images from here...
  2. I added some new things to my Library for grass effects to quickly add more life to your renderings. Get the updated Library by clicking the forum link below...
  3. I think I am about at the end, or at lease a good place to say that we can now produce a more life like grass in Chief. Where this topic started a long time ago... Download the Library of Leaves, Clover and Grunge images from here...
  4. I wanted to add a little more to the grass in those renderings that show more grass and are not hidden so much by just tree shadows (noted above). Now I have added Leaves and Clover to the Library. Same link as before, just with some added materials, etc. The grunge image ( a single image) I am showing has been stretched to span over the whole front yard. I also made the grunge image less transparent and brownish in color, so try some different colors and transparency. Lifting the grunge image up and down in the grass also makes a difference on the look. The Landscape Library that includes Leaves, Clover and Grunge... I would love to see some of your renderings where these methods are used.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to add your thoughts. Typical 3D CAD stuff I feel is connected more to the CPU, and zoom just hogs more of it, and I feel like I can't do much in that area. But messing with larger plant and tree models, and working in Twinmotion I think I need (I would like) the faster GPU. Thank you!
  6. I believe you helped me a few years ago with ideas for a better build. I have been holding off for the 5090, but now they are talking into 2025. I move along quit fine with mine, but when I'm on zoom with a client or drawing a large house, especially toward the end with all of its details, it gets slow enough to be annoying. Have you noticed your RTX4080 make a big difference with Chief? And would a 4090 still be better than what I have now - noticeably different? Thank you!
  7. Not sure Chief can do that. You can double click on the dimension and suppress it and then manually add 30" or 2'-6"
  8. I just got done uploading some things related to creating nice looking renderings...
  9. A Little Grunge, Please! To further give your grass a more realistic look, I have made up some "Grunge" images to place on the grass. Place them on the plan view and stretch them to your liking. Video to show the Grunge images Library of Grunge images and other things... Without Grunge Added to the Grass With Grunge Added to the Grass
  10. Love to see this! Now bring your grass in on each side a little, and even pull in on the rear to expose more of the background image. Bring your camera to about 6' off the road and zoom in on the image a little. Then try some of the shadow trees or chiefs 3d trees to cast shadows on the grass (or add some grunge to the grass - wait for it!). It's amazing what a nice background can do! Thank you for testing it out.
  11. I wanted to complete a set of background images, so the Library now includes some with more evergreen and tropical, both on land and with a river and lake, and a few at night time. Use one of the night time background images. Not great, but a different effect. I'm sure you can do similar effects with the daytime images and mess with the settings. You can use the same camera and just make a few setting changes... Reduce the Backdrop Intensity Reduce the Sunlight Between the Backdrop Intensity and the Sunlight you can effect the background image and the grass brightness and sun shadow Intensity. Select the light Set to turn your lights on inside the house (requires you place lights) Here is the additional background images. This is the same link as in the first post - updated. Background images.pdf
  12. This is a good example of how the front subject and the background image are congruent with each other. This is the key to what I wanted to achieve by using a background image instead of the backdrop image.
  13. Spice up your daily working environment and live call presentations I know I posted some of these backdrops in other threads, but for anyone wanting to set up their Perspective Full and Perspective Floor Overview Cameras, here are some backdrops for Land, River and Sea. Video Overview I use these backdrops in my daily design and when I am on a zoom call with a client, the presentation in Standard Camera mode looks nicer than a white background or some photo. Here is the Backgrounds Library... Just open your Default Settings and update the Perspective Full and Perspective Floor (and others if you use them) with the backdrop that is most common, typically the Land.
  14. It does not take long to make up some backgrounds now. Send me a few ideas of what you would like to see in a background - that goes for anyone. The main thing I needed to accomplish was getting Chiefs grass to blend in with the background image grass and I think it is very close. I need to also look into some palm trees. I did not find any with Chief but I'm sure I can find some online. Thank you
  15. Here is a house plan I just completed, and because the owner is going to use it as a Airbnb, he wanted some simple renderings. I set up the same camera I include above, placed my background image, put in a few nicer trees that can also cast shadows and rendered the image. Then I made a copy of the camera and put it in the front of the house, moved my trees a bit and rendered the next image. Both in about 5 minutes. I did not spend any time on landscaping. This is the lake side of the house This is the front side so you can see I used one of the backgrounds that has a lake Here I am pointing out where the Terrain ends and the Background image begins, and how to use the tree shadows. I think this is why this method is working well...
  16. You might want to send in that screen shot to support. It is funny that you do not have controls to add or edit the ceiling in that DBX.
  17. What I don't understand is why you are missing all your edit buttons... This is a PC...
  18. Your room does not have a ceiling. If you add drywall and set it to 1/2" the ceiling should show up. You are also going to want to look into your Defaults > Room Types. From here you can see and learn about your room types and the settings for each type. It sees you are using a Room Type that does not include a ceiling. In the future you will want to post your questions in General Q & A
  19. I am including a library of 2D trees that you can use for shadow trees instead of 3D trees. I want to give Rob Dyck a shout out for showing me how to make 2D material images with a solid vertical face and 2D tree images as a way to cast shadows without the added file size of 3D trees. Here is the Library for the 2D Tree Shadows Here you can see I am including both deciduous and evergreen trees. Rotate, resize and/or double them up to get the affect you want. The red rectangle shows where you would capture the image on the screen.
  20. I made a new post on step by step rendering within Chief Architect on X15... New backgrounds
  21. I made a new post on rendering within Chief Architect on X15...
  22. Hi Viki, I made a new post on rendering within Chief on X15...