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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
I wanted to show a plan I drew today and brought into Twinmotion to do some rendering. PDF also includes more shots. For some inspiration, I am feeling very comfortable with TM now and learning more, but I think it is a great alternative to Chief for better rendering. 01-05-2023_06.pdf- 43 replies
Here is another Twinmotion template with life like grass and backgrounds.
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
I created a new Twinmotion Template that includes a number of different environments depending on what you turn on or off.. If you do not want to use Twinmotion for rendering but still want some background images, download TM and manipulate the tools as shown in the video and capture some screen shots for the Chief Camera or other things. See video for full details - https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/tZWaLrXKFRPvYDEQdlER Unzip the file and rename the folder for your project. Open the Twinmotion.tm file and drop in your .3ds model file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mdi9iTRTdGbQDO5Sia4wfQML7r1ZmlB4/view?usp=sharing- 43 replies
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I am messing around with a new water front template for Twinmotion and grabbed the background for CA camera Lakefront Background.calibz
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Ok, now I am really going to get back to work. Here are three Twinmotion backgrounds. Twinmotion-lake.tm - this has the landscape image removed showing the water of the main image background and a smaller land surface that is designed to view the house from any rotation with sparse trees in every view. The Lake will also be viewed in every position. (Like a small island). At some point I will want to improve the look of TM's default lake image. Twinmotion-open.tm - this still has the landscape image to give the appearance of more open and vast land mass. I have less trees in this file for a more open feel and look. Twinmotion-wooded.tm - this is the original file I was working on and has more trees so it looks more wooded. On the right menu tree in the software are several grass groups. Click the eye icon to turn more or less grass on... When you open Twinmotion you can now click the + to import your model.3ds file... OR Ctrl+I / Cmd+I All three Twinmotion background files can be downloaded here... https://drive.google.com/file/d/11dnE6ywj2nm9qgKiJ4pncrYRmDW_6fMp/view?usp=sharing If anyone messes with this, please upload your result in this thread, I would love to see your masterpieces. This has been a fun learning experience and thank you all for engaging with me. Lake File Open File Wooded- 43 replies
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You're welcome - I really have some work to do, but this has been fun to learn Working on a sparse tree line and lake front TM template files now
You're welcome!
And here is a generic background. Settings in the Library File Full Camera Background.calibz
Here is the Photoshop file... grass-basecolor.psd
I was just playing around with pixPlant and one of the grass images to make it tile and create a bump map. Not perfect, but a start. I will mess around with it more later. Terrain Grass.calibz
Wow! Very impressive to be done in Chief. Camera background image, a few bushes to keep things simple and a few trees for shadows. You have just inspired me to set up my Camera, and put together a few nice background images. And thank for the grass images. Heading to the link now to mess around. Thank you! Steve
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
haha - that would be my answer too - cost. I would say that someone using CA, TM and Lumion will need to answer this. For me, I wanted to find a way to offer nice looking renderings as a means to offer the whole service, knowing that to market myself as someone who also renders is more likely not going to be a thing - we'll see. I am however interested in staying ahead of any competition in my area. I found a smaller investment, a week or so (maybe 30 hours) learning and developing a system within Twinmotion that I am very happy with, and in less than 15 minutes to produce a rendering. And to top it off, I just gave anyone who wants it, my background and settings, and some direction to generate their own rendering in less than 15 minutes. Lumion looks amazing from what little I have looked into it, but to purchase it would mean I would also have to justify the investment.- 43 replies
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Updated - learning more... Completed in less than 15minutes in Twinmotion. I will add that I started on this rendering adventure just over a week ago. Learn more over here...
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Ah yes! Will so that. Thank you. I think this worked - .calibz included - Not sure if it is including my new image maps BnB Siding.calibz- 43 replies
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Ok, Now I feel like I have learned a lot and accomplished what I was set out to do so calling it a day... Next I plan to make up a few more horizontal sidings that will look good in CA and the material maps work good in TM. - Two maps, the IMG and the NML files. Roughness can be accomplished in CA and TM with controls/tools. https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/PokgzScay1fDf6NbeLD4 Ignore my voice, it was late and I was very tired.- 43 replies
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Might be best to remove those first posts and/or details. I'm currently working on a B&B siding in CA and I think it's doing a good job. I'm using one of their materials and modifying it. I have learned over the past few years just to make white siding as my default and then I can color it to what ever I like. I have most of my materials connected to my template materials so making changes if easy and uniform... https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/O4yEchRzSf2IveRI25qP I'm including the files I was using in the video above. Board_Batten_White.zip- 43 replies
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Hi Mick, Yes, I did update my background files to include grass from TM. Now when I place a model I need to erase the grass I do not want. You have a .zip file above with the old and that is fine also as it is another way of offering a nice settings. I have kept a copy of that myself. I will add a video here to explain other things I am learning about TM and materials... SORRY: VIDEOS HAVE EXPIRED. WORKING ON FIXING A NUMBER OF MY VIDEOS Background and grass... https://myplan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/Qwuj5zoe Materials and Materializer... https://myplan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v1uE0zqR PixPlant Materials... https://myplan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/WnuZ09vN Here is a shared Spreadsheet of the Maps Details. Make a copy... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HvQ18eHLjGgcysSi2NEvR7VWZ9iqhi45xR6rDeE2ZU0/edit?usp=sharing- 43 replies
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Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
FYI, I have been overwriting the background.zip as I have improved the file - it now has grass added from Twinmotion. Here is the link to both the background.tm and the Grade folder... (will need to be unzipped - see detail below)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RsesiBodBiwYzdtgY6il1r1eqF9ubjK1/view?usp=sharing Here are the written steps to set this up... Video below showing the steps Background1-One Story.tm has a little shorter trees so they do not over dominate the house Background1-Two Story.tm has a taller trees so they still show up in the background I am including the Grade.zip file in the new post - Unzip and put the Grade folder into the same folder as the .tm files. Make sure to keep copies of these files. Because I am in the East, I do not have southern trees. Example: > Your computer folder > > Grade folder (some images the .tm file will look for) > > Background1-One Story.tm (You can rename this to what your want) Example: > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Grade (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Background1-One Story.tm (file) I have a small gray square that faces the front of the grade and a large circle where your house will land. Open one of the .tm files and hit Ctrl+I to import your 3DS model file - it should land right on the circle. All CA models are typically drawn in the center of the paper, and therefore the same coordinates should drop the model on the grade in the same place. Note that you may need to lower or raise your model to sit correctly on the grade The background trees can be manipulated with the Vegetation paint tool The foreground trees are individually placed and can be manipulated and moved If someone gives it a try, let me know if it worked. It should give you a quick base to create fast renderings. Here is a video that shows the steps https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/z9UMeq8JCC21eFkarg2U The difference now is that you will need to erase the grass from the driveway, walk and landscaping areas. The price you pay for having real looking grass vs an image map.- 43 replies
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Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
I got more together and got some really nice grass put together. I feel like my environment is very nice and I can make it better from here. Do you have a video where you show how to apply the secondary maps to the model? Thank you, Steve- 43 replies
I was reading this thread and not finding my answer. However, I had started my own thread and I found what I was looking for - maybe this was already assumed here, but I missed it... Maybe this will help someone else who stayed with X12 to move onto X14.
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Ah! That is making sense to me now. I'm assuming the maps can be applied to my materials, like siding? And I will look more into the backdrops - at the moment I am using the sky images I plan on messing with it more tomorrow. I would like to get the grass down too- 43 replies
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Yes, little by little I am learning... I feel like I am getting a lot closer now... See posts just above Thank you again for your help.- 43 replies
Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Ok, so this is my final background at this point. I think it will serve my purposes very well. It should give anyone wanting to produce a nicer rendering than CA and possibly charge a nice $400+ , could be a nice way to make a few extra bucks. Video that explains some details and steps... https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/PokgzScay1fDf6NbeLD4 Here is the link to both the background.tm and the Grade folder... (will need to be unzipped - see detail in above post for more details) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RsesiBodBiwYzdtgY6il1r1eqF9ubjK1/view?usp=sharing Dark siding house example without any changes to controls - just dropped in from CA with 3DS file - no grade White siding house example without any changes to controls - just dropped in from CA with 3DS file - no grade You still have access to many of Twinmotion tools to control lighting inside and out, add landscaping and material for your drive and sidewalk as needed.- 43 replies
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Twinmotion, Better grass and Rendering made easy
Steve_Nyhof replied to Steve_Nyhof's topic in Tips & Techniques
Here is a little more that I am learning in Twinmotion... https://my-plan.stevenyhofdesigns.com/v/aR1gwtogDEy6awDUQBKE- 43 replies