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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. Here is this same image brought into PS with some adjustments... Right out of TM... After PS...
  2. I just did this in TM. I have watched many videos and they make it seem so easy, but I just cannot get what I really want. This was then brought into Photoshop to scale back on the contrast. I made my own board and batten maps which I use in Chief, and then need to add the normal map into TM. I try to use the Path Tracing, but it does funny things I cannot figure out to control, but this is not too bad. 1.5 hours. The one thing I wanted to try was making thicker concrete so I could just raise the house a few inches over the top of the grass instead of erasing the grass, and that seems to work. It is of course is not as snuggled into the grass/grade.
  3. Yes, I have tried both ways on the flooring. I know I have a ways to go to getting things right and resetting a number of my materials. A bit daunting, but for me to be able to do a rendering quickly I know I need to go through a number of materials and set things up.
  4. Yes, you and I are in agreement on that rendering. Is there a link to Dan Baumans Summit, or is that a live seminar?
  5. Actually I'm liking the look of the PBR with the lines... Nice and clean
  6. Here are some watercolor in CA. I did notice that you cannot change the background sun - not that I could find. It is not bad, but I like PS better. I did not mess much with the settings, so that may make a big difference - will test.
  7. Yes, after I brought into photoshop I was liking the look. I forgot about the watercolor option. Haven't messed with that for several years. Rene, sometime I will purchase some time with you as I would like to get on the right track with realistic rendering. My main goal at the moment is to complete my new website where I want a more artistic look for the interiors... Here is what I have put together for exteriors and interiors... These are just models from CA... For those you want to show off remodeling projects...
  8. Or maybe bring it into photoshop and have some fun. I like these also.
  9. Yes, I get that and I have uploaded a number of backgrounds above that are properly exposed. So now I am mainly playing around with results of the different types of images - now working on casting a pinkish hue. I am now messing with some of my sun and other rendering technique settings to pull off an evening scene. I am purposely trying to pull off a more abstract look so the viewer knows I'm not trying to make it photorealistic, but offer an idea of the space. Maybe later I will spend that time, but for now I want to click a few buttons and have a result. You might say it is a result of pulling in the idea of hand color pencil or water color renderings...
  10. A new thing I learned - yes, I know, a bit slow here... was the angle and horizon of my image. It is important if you want to match the placement of the camera inside the model that the exterior be at that same angle (perspective) and horizon. I'm messing around with some background colors to bring in a more ambient morning cast, and was wondering why my background just does not seem to be placed correctly. I also pushed my bushes out toward the tree so they would show up in the image. Better Result - standing at like 5 or 6 feet off the ground - horizon in the middle of image Horizon too low - looks strange and twisted Horizon in the middle - much better And after all that, the look I'm after is to wash out and show less of the exterior, creating a more abstract look
  11. Yeah, I didn't like that one either. You might say I am not trying too hard to make the trees nice as much as I was working to try and find my right exposure. I found that if I over exposed in Chief from a darker photo, it would turn too lime green, so was trying to less brightness to overexpose the background. I redid another for Spherical and made the trees smaller. This is just for the perspective full and floor and sits better now. Once again, I'm just trying to get something nice without spending too much time fussing at this time while learning the interior rendering. Thank you, Rene! I have been enjoying your videos and learning a lot of little tricks here and there. I also purchased your closets, so going to mess with setting some of those up soon for when I have a home with a large closet that I want to do a rendering on in Chief. SN Background Far Trees and hills Sph.calibz
  12. After looking at more interior renderings online, I headed toward something just a bit more abstract and artsy. Here are some new backgrounds and camera and rendering settings. I'm liking more where this is heading. What I am trying to do is set up a new website with exterior renderings from Twinmotion, and the projects interiors from Chief. I have been slowly making these rendering changes and to my default template with a camera already in place I can just drag into place all set up. I am including my Library of these backgrounds, both backdrops and Spherical. From these you can see the horizon placement that works for backdrops and Spherical and how they differ. I don't have much of a reflection in the water on the lighter image, but the idea is to wash the background out a bit in the rendering. See PDF for settings SN Backgrounds.calibz 2023-01-27-6.pdf
  13. Here is another one on a lake. Not Spherical. bg-Lake.calibz
  14. I'm still trying to make the background nicer as I continue to fine tune my interior cameras and lighting. So here are three new backgrounds, one for a flat background and two for a spherical background. Same background on the Spherical, but with a twist... FYI - The horizon is very important to get it to sit right, so use these as samples. The lower horizon is for the Spherical. bg-Flat.calibz bg-Sph.calibz bg-Sph-x2.calibz
  15. I think lawn is always going to be difficult to make look like grass. Things like brick and stone have large flat mass areas as compared to the small areas for the groves for the bump (normal) map, where grass has no flat surface and is only vertical. I messed with several software programs for many hours making grass and finally gave up on adding a bump map.
  16. Yes, Chief does a nice job now that I have the setting set up. I have added a few cameras to my template and set to the side for when I want to bring them in. I am getting nice renderings in less than 30 seconds that are quite fine. I have been messing with AI stuff (mainly Midjourney), a good place to get lost for days and then realize that I just wasted a lot of time. Had some fun though generating some fun results base on the images and text I inputted... - add the words, frank lloyd wright to it and get results like this...
  17. Here is a good backdrop for interior rendering - Not for Spherical. This one has a good horizon location for standing at like 5' high camera and see out the windows and doors properly.
  18. Hello, I wanted to make a better background. Chief distorts it and makes it look blurry but that is what it is. I also played with my grass again a bit and used it to overlay things into the background in photoshop to make it more congruent with the terrain. bg04.calibz
  19. I hear you on the rendering, does it fit into my work flow. I am looking at it from a point of staying fresh with what is happening in the real world moving ahead so fast. I was always ahead of the game for years, but had so much invested into my time with AutoCAD and programming it that I was starting to look like the small kid in the block compared to the 3D modeling that was taking place, so I got into Chief and there too felt like I had a new lease on my business. I may not offer Rendering, but now I know I can do it, and if the client wants to spend the money, I can help them. I started this whole thing because work suddenly got a little slow over the holidays and I thought I better get some plans on the Internet for sale. I had done that years ago with some success. They now require photos or a rendering. Now I am working on a new website and will be creating all of my images using TM. That's the plan anyway, so I have a lot on my plate - keeps me out of trouble.
  20. I looked at the title, but my only option is to delete the thread. I know the rendering has plenty of room for improvement, but I never thought I would be drawing something that nice at sixty. The young whipper-snappers in here may not fully comprehend pencil and paper and a drawing board. When I was in my teens I used to draw perspectives of the kitchens we sold. I even went so far as to draw the wood grain on the cabinets and put items on the counter. I feel like a school boy again with a new toy in Twinmotion. It's been fun but I have some work stacking up so I need to put it down for a bit. Anyway, a long answer to say thank you for offering encouragement. Thank you, Mick!
  21. Here is a house I just rendered in Twinmotion. About 4 hours of messing with materials, made my own can lights that I can insert anywhere and control everything about them. Everything inside the house is from Chief. Here is a final result after months of perfecting my process...
  22. Thank you. Yes, that is on my plate to do. There is a lot of info on TM so that has been helpful