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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. Here is my project updated with the new beds and drawers... And the plan looks cleaner now also... And with steps with drawers...
  2. I thought that was a model you made - Wow! I was searching Sketchup and could not find anything so real -
  3. Here is a new Library with updated beds, under bed drawers and steps with drawers. I also updated the layers so they are on Furniture Interior. Here is the drawing file...
  4. Thank you for showing me this! That is fantastic! You've inspired me so much I have been working on some new beds. Chopped up a number of SketchUp beds, blankets and pillows... Still putting some details together and will update my Library..
  5. Beautifully done! The bedding is amazing, did you do all that too?
  6. I made up 26 Picture Frames with and without Border Mat. I figured a bunch of artistic pictures deserve to be framed to look there best. Drawing File How to change out the image and mat. Made into symbols so they can be stretched. Picture Frame Library Picture Frames.calibz Thank you, Steve
  7. A little over a year ago I spent many days of hours describing to Midjourney, an AI software, what pictures I wanted to generate as I wanted pictures in my renderings. All the pictures have a more artistic flare as I wanted them to look like art work on the walls of my interior renderings. I have not been doing many renderings and so thought there may be others that could benefit from this Library. Here is a short video showing how to swap out the images in the 4 included picture frames. (See more Picture Frames below) Note that the frames are symbols and can be stretched to the size you want while maintaining the sizing of the frames. See below for more Picture Frames Sample of the images included in the Library Link to the Library as it is too large for the Forum. Please give me a thumbs up if you like these and also show some of your rendering projects. Thank you, Steve Sample Rendering with Pictures.pdf
  8. I had to draw a masonry fireplace onto a pool house I drew earlier and thought I would spend some time making a nice log and grate kit to put into fireplace boxes or masonry fireplaces. It looks good in Standard mode and glows nicely in a Rendering There is a block and a symbol in this Library Fireplace Log Fire.calibz
  9. I am being asked more often to build these built-in bunk beds into my plans so I thought it was time to make some bunk beds and parts that make it easier to build some different designs. There is nothing special about these, they are pretty simple but get the job done. Set the bottom bunk 8" off the floor if you use the drawers under. I have a Queen and Twin XL. The stairs is just a symbol that can be stretched in each direction. I just use a wall and a passthrough window for the opening. There are also two safety rails you just place on the top bunk. The beds are made with some different materials so you can paint them as you like. Bunk Drawing Library of Bunk beds and parts Custom Bunk.calibz
  10. One thing I want to add. If you want to see the door and window labels on the plan while you are working on it, turn the schedules into blocks in your template, and then when you are ready to use the schedules explode them.
  11. A few of the builders I work with have asked me if my software can produce door and window schedules. I have typically always showed the label by the door or window, but in some cases when someone wanted a schedule I would put it on an additional page in the plan. However, I never liked this because larger format printing is expensive and just not very handy. So what I am doing is setting up a CAD Detail with my door and window schedules and then linking them to their own .layout file setup for Letter Size Paper. The door and window schedules exist in my main .plan template, and the Doors-Windows Schedule.layout is linked to this my default template. You can learn more about how to setup your default .plan and default .layout below, but basically, you set up a .layout plan for your doors and/or windows that is linked to your default .plan template by using a different name and then renaming the .plan file to something different. I made a copy of my defaulttemplate.plan (for example) and called it Select Your Plan File.plan (you will see why when you test it) You make your CAD Details pages in this Select Your Plan File.plan file with your Door and Window Schedules. (You can make separate pages or put them into one, side by side) Make a new .layout file, go to the Drawing Sheet Setup and set up your page details for Letter (We will name it Doors-Windows Schedule.layout) Send your Door and Window Schedules from Select Your Plan File.plan to the this Doors-Windows Schedule.layout file. Once I had my Layout Box sizing set to match my door schedule (for example), I made a copy of the Layout Box and sent it to the next page in the .layout So this will be page 2 of the Doors-Windows Schedule.layout. Now you need to Pan/Zoom Layout Box the schedule vertically within the view to the next number of rows in your schedule. Page one shows rows 1-6. Page two shows rows 7-12. I made six pages this way so that all 36 rows of my schedule were setup and showing the consecutive rows in the schedule. Once you have all your Layout Boxes in place on each page, save as the Select Your Plan File.plan to your defaulttemplate.plan. (Now this file called Select Your Plan File.plan no longer exists - this is important that it cannot be found when you open your new Doors-Windows Schedule.layout file) Save your Doors-Windows Schedule.layout file in some folder where you can grab it when you create a new project. Now when you start a new drawing, it will bring in your new defaulttemplate.plan that holds the new schedules. Give it a name (My New Drawing.plan for example) and draw some walls, windows and doors in the plan. Then open your Doors-Windows Schedule.layout, and because it was connected to a plan called Select Your Plan File.plan (which no longer exists), it will ask you to link the file. Link it to your newly named My New Drawing.plan file for the project. You will see the door and/or window schedule show up on the pages in the Doors-Windows Schedule.layout file. Example Result: XXX0000 Doors-Windows Schedule.pdf Here is an example of my plan and Doors-Windows Schedule.layout to see how it is working
  12. Just in case this can help...
  13. Just another amazing result from a very talented fellow! If there is one thing I have learned from following Rene, is that there may be no one else on this forum that has learned how to rein in Chief quite like Rene. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have learned from many great users over the years. What I am saying is that no one works with and manipulates the Chief software with such passion and dedication. If you are new to Chief, you will find Rene scattered throughout the forum sharing his expertise and knowledge. Make sure to go to his profile and follow him, and don't forget to check out his website for templates, libraries, training and more. I have done a lot of Interior Rendering and used Rene's closets and Shelf systems and expanded on them - very clever and cool tools to expand your talents and make you look amazing to your clients! Thank you, Rene, for working so hard to support the beginner and advanced users of Chief Architect!
  14. Also on the inside. I believe the way around this is to make each unit with their arches and then mull them, but it would be nice to just mull and add the arch and it would work. Here is the same thing Gene is showing... I typically tell my client it is just the software and move on. I do not have time to fix this.
  15. I wanted to give an update on Michaels Subscription. There is a lot of info about Macros that Michael teaches which I would like to get into sometime, but he also includes a lot of little "tidbits", advanced symbol manipulation (very cool) and many other things I just never knew about. Includes a number of How To videos as well. I started with Chief with X12 and I do very well, designing more than 120 new and remodel plans each year. And yet I continue to find these little gems that help me fine tune and speed up my process. One of the things I wanted for a long time, and now with X16, you can set up an Area Schedule without Macros. Michael shows some examples of how to do this. I have since added some new room names and again dialing in these things that just make my plans look more professional. This alone was more than worth the subscription fee. I have a number of these Schedules setup for different structures in a CAD Detail... And my Layout looks at this CAD Detail, and then I can pan to the one I want to use depending on the structure. (If you know of others ways to do this, please post those ideas in the Tips & Techniques forum. This forum is for Michaels Email Subscription. Thank you)
  17. Yes, that is a very nice tool, thank you for sharing
  18. Hi Mark. Not sure if you noticed, but this posted back in 2018. I added the link above to a suggestion I am pushing. Would love to have you leave a comment and give me a thumbs up. Thank you for taking some time to show the work-around and prove my point that we need something to address this.
  19. Yes, my picture was about 6 years old I think and 20 Lbs lighter. I love this one with my granddaughter. Yes, it has been super cold here for a number of days. If you are in the area again, reach out to me, I would love if you would stop by.
  20. What is also nice about this method is that you can go to a specific floor and delete only the framing on that floor. I use that at times for my attic if I just want to keep that clean in a section
  21. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  22. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  23. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  24. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...