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About yusuf-333

  • Birthday 01/02/1982

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    Jigjiga/Somali State/Ethiopia

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  1. in your autocad work space marque select all and delete it, then click undo(crl+z) and all your curves will turn back to smooth curve. hope that helps.
  2. I am not sure, but this thread may be helpful too.
  3. i tried it using X10. plan and pictures attached. 2way curved molding.plan
  4. Here is one way to do it. You have the sample plan attached, watch video and read the explannations in this old thread. It uses an invisible ramp running allong the sides of stairs and deck. You have full controll of all the parameters you asked once you figureout how the settings work. If you need further explannation you are welcome.
  5. As @Alaskan_Son explained in his post just model the whole system in zx plane and use it as a window. Read his explanation, it works well.
  6. Hey chop thanks, but this one is too tough to go with chief. Any ways here is my take on it. I modelled it as a plane structure as you can see in the picture. Then converted it to window and applied it on curved wall to bend the whole structure. Thank you.
  7. Jarrex here is an other way to do it. convert your panel to a symbol(window) then save that window to your library. draw the curved wall and load that window, it auto curves with your wall. finally delete surfaces and again convert it to a symbol(hope that is milwork) hope that helps. custom pannel window symbol.calibz
  8. Spiral Stair Library available.
  9. Balustrade railing Spiral stair beyond 360°, No of threads=14 , angle 30°
  10. People are adding this symbols to their library. Download the attachment. Price is $10 PayPal directly to this email yhservices99gmail.com Modern Spiral Stair Glass Pannel Glass Thread 1.calibz