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Everything posted by winterdd

  1. winterdd


    It worked thanks. I see why i cant get a flat ceiling as well. The wall heights arent tall enough.
  2. winterdd


    This may take some practice. The auto stairwells have always worked. Is it giving me problems because im now using attic space as a pass through to enter the addition?
  3. winterdd


    anyone want to take a look at why my stairs won't create a cutout in the ceiling going to the new addition nor will it create a flat ceiling on the second floor. I always seem to get weird projects people have in mind lol. attached is a couple pics of the existing home and the plan file. the house is framed in CA but you may need to turn on the layers. the owner can't build outward so they decided to go up..... Terry Camper.plan
  4. i personally like to export the orthographic views. they become live and you can adjust the scale. prints extremely well too.
  5. boom! it worked and now i get to use better sidings for my walls. thanks
  6. well, i downloaded them and went into chief and updated library...didn't bring them in. then i went to import 3d symbols and no files were under the download folder.
  7. i downloaded several new files from the chief website but cannot get them to my library.......suggestions? thanks guys
  8. Are these pics using jpegs to create or is this all individual CA commands? They are cool for sure
  9. Thats pretty good rlackore!
  10. Not a sketch but here is an example i was thinking....font and name doesnt really matter to me at this point. While im caught up with my clients i like to practice new stuff in my downtime.
  11. let's just say it was very generic looking and not using CA to it's fullest potential. i tried to get in an elevation of the sign and apply lettering with rich text and that doesnt work. im going to google some images from CA and see.\
  12. Any good tips or vids on how to make a nice sign with uplights for an office? i used polyline solids but don't like it and can't get the lettering to work and show on the sign. thanks
  14. good info, thanks guys...lemme try that
  15. hey guys, this happens from time to time. i complete the exterior of the home, find a wall dimension that's off, delete the deck/porch, then i adjust the walls accordingly. when i go back to redraw my railing for my deck/porch it doesn't bring in the deck framing or boards. see attached files. thanks! in cad drawings i know there is a reload command that updates any movements to suit the rest of the drawing. does chief have this because it appears it trys to remember what was there before. before i even have a chance to name it a porch, patio or whatnot, it goes back to what i had it named before. in this case it was existing front porch. LAKE FOREST PROJECT.plan
  16. trying to figure out if this wall oven block from the library can be exploded and modified. i need to throw in a microwave, move the oven down and keep the top cabinets. thanks guys
  17. Im learning when to say no and not take on these type projects. This may be one of them. Lol
  18. Ive done several pole barns too. Lol im ready for a normal house on slab design again.
  19. My newest client is wanting plans for a metal building home. Im not sure what the craze is about because i got another possible client wanting a two story metal building home. Im a little hesitant on how interior wood stud walls will tie into a building like this but to begin, what exterior wall type would you guys start with concerning the attachment. (Example shown) This job will be interesting. They hired a contractor who will provide their own plans JUST for the exterior four walls and the slab. I will come in and layout all the interior work. Im thinking theirs will consist of metal studs and such.
  20. i open up my layout file today and all the views are now black and white. even when i send new views in color from plan file to layout they are black and white. i have never messed with any settings like that. suggestions? thanks friends
  21. that makes you draw everything manually correct? here is what i was trying to do since i already built the framing. elevations showing this. (perspective framing overview shown in attachment) i need elevations to dimension.