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Everything posted by winterdd

  1. Im an autocad guy and know about hotkeys but im fairly new to do you set them up on it?
  2. Guys, ive been copying and pasting objects in place and then moving (one of the ojects) point to point. Is there a copy point to point? Ive got to be doing this the hard way.
  3. Now thats sexy! I love it. Thanks guys for the suggestions!
  4. I have a client who is wanting to build a post and beam style home. Can anyone suggest a starting point on designing this in chief? I'm thinking the wall commands will be quite different. I do not know the specifics yet on the wall construction.
  5. Thanks again guys...i just checked and the prick still has my plan posted on his site and wont take it down. I can only hope he gets ripped off and see how it feels.
  6. Do i need to apply as an LLC and get a business license?
  7. Let's no focus too much on my sig on this forum. Its the only place i add my day job title. Im on google and only describe myself as a residential designer and let every client know i dont stamp drawings and refer them to a firm that can. They have already stamped a couple of my drawings.
  8. i agree, maybe i should redo my sig. structural designer is my title during the day at the shipyard. residential design at nights and weekends at home.
  9. thanks guys, i think i will go for it. i do not have a business license yet but advertise online. is this an issue for me? can he use that against me? i work plans on the side at home. i have a day job and have not grown no where near big enough to go solo thus the reason i havent applied for a license yet.
  10. i hear ya guys.....i want to crush this dude's business and warn others. he is a rookie who just got his contractor license last year and apparently is already off to a bad start by ripping me off. i thrive on helping others and love doing home design. in the long run, he can easily leave a bad review on google for me if i keep pushing. so, i need to take a break and think about the long term goal for me. everyone else has always been happy with my services over the years. i firmly believe in doing unto other's as i'd have them do unto me. but when you take advantage of me, thats when i am not nice anymore. it wouldn't be so bad if he didnt have the pdf's to my complete set of plans. again, my fault for sending them i guess. i had no clue he would put a stop payment on the check. he probably had a bank loan denied and therefore looked for a way to back out of the paying me because he seemed ok up until payment time. i want to say live and learn but this has really got me angry. and to have the balls to post my plan on his site like it's one of his homes he will build amazes me.
  11. i would love to leave a bad review and take him to court. but he knows he is in the wrong and has tried to turn this against me and could do the same on me and leave a bad review.. how many of you who do this on the side part time from home has a business license for it?
  12. guys, i have been doing home design on the side for 16 years. i have always used the honor system and take money when the project is done and the client is happy. it has always worked for me. until now. i finished a set of plans for a contractor last week and he was happy with them. he mails me a check and before i even get it he starts acting very shady. he claimed the engineering firm that was going to do their work on it said it was missing a few things like outlets and such. i fix it, no problem. long story short, i deposit the check the day i get it. the day after, i let him know i get the check and he says to hold off cashing it until he is done reviewing the drawings AGAIN. i told him i already deposited it. days later i get a return check fee because he put a stop payment on it. everything went south from there between he and i. he has my plans in pdf form and since i trust people and have never been burned i didnt watermark the pdf "preliminary" or "not for construction". so he has my plans and i cant make him delete them electronically. he has since fired me and found someone else, or so he claims. he has also got my floorplan posted on his website and wont take it down. has this happened to anyone before and how did you handle it? involving a lawyer for $750 isnt' worth my time i assume. this guy is a real jerk and used me to get something for free. i called the engineering firm i he is using that i already established a relationship with and they told me lied about everything, that they could care less about missing outlets. they said he also called up there behind my back and asked for the CAD file (we all know why he would that). do you guys have a contract made up for clients and take money up front to prevent these type of things? apparently, i need to make some changes and count this as a loss. i threatened him with a lawyer and of course he tries to fire back and thinks he can intimidate me. i fire back and he quits responding. i put alot of work into the plans and know some of it is my fault for not stamping it preliminary. if he builds this house i know where the lot is and was wondering if i can request the floorplan later when it's built to see if he did indeed use my drawings. are plans public record or for home buyers only? this is in alabama.
  13. yep, all finished now....came out great
  14. thanks, makes sense when you word it that way......
  15. Thanks solver....that was helpful. It worked. Leads me to another question. How come chief doesnt want slab checked if im going for a foundation like what is attached.
  16. i am attaching the plan file for a foundation issue. apparently i have screwed up the settings and cannot get it to work now. i need the finished floor to be 24" above the terrain and the exposed stem wall to be bricked. i am attaching pics of a home that is close to what im going far. it is taking the 37 1/2" stemwall like i want below the porches but not for the rest of the home. thanks guys for any suggestions Tim McCarty.plan
  17. so what if the house is like my home i live in. the typical ceiling elevation is 9' ceilings. my trays bump upwards into the attic therefore leaving every ceiling at 9'. i noticed on this demo video the trays push downward when i do what you taught. would it be -12" and -6" intervals? thanks rene
  18. what is the proper way to get rid of x10 completely now that i have x11 upgrade? i am right to think it is taking up uneeded space? i mistakingly open by accident sometimes as well.
  19. you guys are just awesome.....i am always learning new things with chief........thanks
  20. i cannot figure out the polyline/cabinet top command to make tray ceilings. currently, the plan file has 10' ceilings throughout. the master bedroom and living room have the tray ceilings i am trying to build. double trays, 6" thick each i'm thinking. the magenta polyline shows the boundaries. can anyone school me? see attached...i left the working plan on showing everything. jimmy_g.plan
  21. chief doesn't have this in the cad details library???? it's one of the most common foundations in the south.