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About winterdd

  • Birthday 12/09/1977

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    Daphne, AL
  • Interests
    Bodybuilding, Residential Design & anything 1980's

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  1. Curious about this as well. Even if the truss company can build to suit the trey ceiling will it be as strong? I have a request to do this in a two story home right now.
  2. What a perfect example of a pic.
  3. That's some good info right there. Something tells me you are an engineer.
  4. I agree, of course around here I send my plans of to be engineer stamped but I still try to avoid sending anything that is not able to be built or too complex.
  5. Hey guys, just looking for some opinions. Any structural engineers here in the forum that could suggest a way this would be done structurally? It's a first for me and the client wanted it and also wanted it allow light inside the home. I am very curious how the opening in the vaulted ceiling planes would work. What would what the "tunnel" going thru the attic rest on? Very curious if this is even possible.
  6. Can you develop complete plan sets thru HD? I have never researched it.
  7. I am not sure how you set up the roof but when I do dutch gables they always auto build real nice for me.
  8. here is the saved file if you want it back...... 648273596_ExistingHouse.plan
  9. I couldn't get it to auto build without throwing things out of whack but just simply drew a roof plan over the front railing, made the eave heights the same and it came out great. I had to manipulate the roof connections and slide that gable wall back a tad to get it to look right.
  10. did you click on the porch railing, go to roof settings and click dutch gable?
  11. Found it, dang, previous versions OOB never made me dig this deep. Thanks guys, it was on 1/4" defaults
  12. Am I in the right area guys? haha this one is getting me..... been a while since I came across something like this I am just not getting.
  13. it all still looks right to me.