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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Not to worry Joey, we're just exchanging ideas & opinions. Nothing wrong with that. At 67 I don't get my feather ruffed too often & when I do I remind myself life is too short to be upset. All good here.
  2. Joey, I take issue with your wise man, one can be neutral. If by complaining I am part of the problem then so be it. As an amateur programmer I am critical of some of the things I see. There are a lot of easy fixes that would improve the CA interface. So for pointing that out I am part of the problem? I am not happy to make due & get by with "work around's". Sorry but that is who I am. BTW I do send suggestions to Chief. And I respect your opinion and see nothing wrong in you stating it. Thanks Alan
  3. Not finding the info in the manual or on line. How do you renumber the section labels? Seems CA increments the number each time you use the section view camera. So I have S55-A17 in the bubble. Can i reset the numbering like you do in the schedules? I want to eliminate all the missing numbers and would like to reset the auto number to that ending number. Where in the heck is that setting? Thanks
  4. Just curious, how many software engineers work for CA? How much resource do they spend on fixing the nuts & bolts of the software? Maybe a year where no new features are added but fix the existing features / functions. I know dealing with 3D is very complex but they have been at this for may years. Just wondering where their priority's lie.
  5. It appears as though creating the layout view with a copy of the layer is the only way I could get it to work. Thanks
  6. Yes, have the Object DBX pop into place like the Active Layer dialog. That would be a huge step forward IMO.
  7. Would I rather have the Object DBX pop up in place of the useless layer dialog, YES YES YES This is what you see in ACAD Any property in the right column that has a pull down is accessible for changing Any property that can be edited can be changed right there.
  8. Richard, Yes I use them quite often but not what I had in mind here. Example: I draw a 3D molding & decide later want to put it on my special layer. I select the molding & the layer dialog pops up in the right pane. Seems logical that I could pick the layer name box & a pull down would allow me to change the layer.
  9. I created a separate layer set for each condition & the two have the proper layer set but when I regen while closing the elevation view it generates twice & both layouts are the same.
  10. Tried that but when I had to make a change to one view & tried to update they both changed.
  11. Found it, Thanks What about separate elevation layout views? One with labels on & one with labels off. Do i need another camera?
  12. Can't find the Transparent check box. Need more bread crumbs, please. Defaults/ Window Defaults/ Schedule
  13. OK 5 day count down to vacation & I'll get out of your hair for two weeks Two questions: Attached is an elevation with the window labels turned on, some in mulled units. The labels are obscured by the mullions, any cure for that? Do i have to drag then all out of the windows? Not much room to work with. Question 2: I am using the elevations @ 1/4 scale with text created in the elevation & send to layout for standard elevation views. I am also using the elevation with a different layer set to turn off the text & turn on the window & door labels & send to another layout 1/8 scale on my schedule layout page. Is this the proper way to separate the elevations? Meaning use a second layer set. Or should I have created another elevation view with a second camera & also a second layer set. The only way to update the layout view is to close the elevation, right. I know that is a third question. So I open the elevation camera, set my layer set & close it to update the layout? But this doesn't work, the labels disappeared. I'm confused as usual.
  14. I agree, worked ok on the first floor. No wall showing a broken wall symbol.
  15. Let me just say that developing a one story 1200 or 1600 sq ft house is remarkably fast in CA. So I have found a tool that will work for my needs. The 3D views are great for analyzing the structure and eliminating problems with the design. So for that I thank Chief. This aspect of the program has been great. I am overcoming many of the problem I had initially with the software with the generous help in this forum. My prior 15 year experience with Autocad leads me to want more out of the user interface and better CAD tools form CA. I can't help it but i have been exposed to easier and more efficient ways to get things done. I am hoping that CA will listen to the desires of end users like me & improve the user interface. Thanks for listening. Alan
  16. This is what I would like to see in the dialog above. And not have to go to the object DBX to get it. And another thing the pull down menu should have the "Casing Objects" layer at the top of the pulldown and not at the bottom. Seems like the CA designers are not talking with the end users for "Ease of Use Features" These items and many more seem easy enough to implement. On a software this mature it shock me to see so may items not attended to. Sorry, it's been a frustrating morning here & I've had too much coffee.
  17. Thanks for the replies. Yes it is clear to me but may not be so obvious to observers. sorry for that. Attached is a screen shot. When you select an object the object layer properties is displayed on the right. You both got that, but I want to change the layer of the object, not the layer set. All you can do is edit the layer name. Not sure what function that serves.
  18. OK so when you select an object the Layer Properties opens up on the right saving you a step to select the button on the bottom of the screen. BUT if you wish to change the layer there is no pull down menu to select the new layer only an edit box to type a new name. How lame is that? There are a lot, and I MEAN A LOT, of user features & short cuts missing form this software. OK I know I'm bitching again. I just had to say it.
  19. Jon, that worked. PS where did you discover that trick? Scott, auto dim and where there are three or more dimensions tied together remove one of the inner dimensions leaving two separate dimension objects.
  20. Thanks fellas. Jon I drew a dem on top & it did not break the dimension but joined two dim segments into one larger dim segment. If that is what you meant it did do that. Alan, I was afraid that was the answer. Not the end of the world but It would be nice to be able to edit these dim objects. If you could explode them into individual dimension objects it would work.
  21. Thanks David but I did not see how. Note that I have a auto exterior dimension with 5 or so points. What I want is to eliminate one of the interior dimensions (the 30' one) see the red circle. Then you would have two dimension groups given that the inner 30' dimension is removed. Is that doable? Not sure why CA put the inner 30' dimension in the first place.
  22. I have a T shaped house & auto dim runs a line of dimensions along the under side of the T. These cross through the living space and show a 30' dimension which is in the wrong place. Can i trim it out of there somehow?
  23. That's what I was looking for Thanks PS I guess you must set this for each grouped mulled unit. i.e. some units are two or three mulled units deep, so as you build them each LABEL tab needs to be adjusted. OK looking for the default to change so it is done for you.
  24. I just like the way it looks in elevation when the items are mulled. But I prefer the detail in the schedules as separate items. Even if the item is ordered as a mulled unit it still needs door hardware and the details for the door should show. I will have to un-mull then for schedule clairity Thanks for the input.