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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Firefox here and no problems loading the model.
  2. Ivegot an exterior wall that has no windows and needs something to dress it up as it is the front of the house. The kitchen is what the owner wants but leaves the front wall blank. Any suggestion for the exterior?
  3. It's frustrating to me that there are so many small improvements in Chief that would make our professional lives better. As I do the tasks day after day I look for things that can streamline the process.
  4. I see now, but the VALUE should be BLOCK and not Block106 which leads you to think it is a unique value. The dialog is misleading.
  5. When I select a block & attempt to match the block name other blocks are selected too. Have I misunderstood the function of this tool? Wyoming
  6. Tanks all. The symbol method worked well.
  7. Man that looks nice. May I ask how you handled the wall surface overhang at the foundation? Did you use a very thick outer layer for the wall?
  8. OK when you say symbols, would you explain what you use for the symbols?
  9. The clients want to come by & have an interactive session to place the house & barn on a 5-acre plot. The plot was a cow pasture so no trees so I can't see what they expect. But humor them I was going to try. So I was going to copy the two plan files, strip out what I could, electrical .framing & any internals walls not needed. Hoping to get the house and barn so I could move them without too much lag. Any suggestions for this task?
  10. No time this morning to try it but you send the floor plan to layout twice & overlay perfectly the color view last. The color set has all layers locked for the non color ones and show only the color layers.
  11. Yes, that's what I did & the wall fills print in color.
  12. Thanks for the suggestions. While I use Foxit Phantom PDF Pro putting the notes in the PDF is doable but not an advantage. The next round of corrections means the old notes turn black & the new notes turn red. Simply changing the plot setting for the selected objects in Chief is what I wanted to do. Then I can set the red back to Black & the next iteration of the plan new notes would be red.
  13. I don't understand. Long hard day & my brain is fried. It's 6:30 here so off to get a Yuengling. Perhaps it will clear my head. Cheers.
  14. I have a request from the builder to print the "Change Notes" and clouds in RED color. Typically I print in B&W. If you change the print/plot to color then all items are in color. I made a layer set for this request "Floor plan Color" & made all but one layer black. So changing the revisions to the red layer it is close but the wall fills are showing up in color (normally no print for wall fill). Is there a better approach? I will need to change every layout box on the sheet & if they have another layer set that will need to be copied & modified. In AutoCAD the layers have a plot setting separate from the color setting & you can set it to plot black so you see objects in color while you are working but plot in black. I don't see a way to do that with Chief.
  15. Thank you, Micheal, you have confirmed my worst fears. What a kludge. I'll give the library approach a try.
  16. Block Editing requires you to explode the block make changes & then re-block the objects, the rename the block to the original name to update the existing copies of the block. That's my understanding of the process. Is there another way? In Autodcadyou can edit the block in place. When saved the copies are updated. My issue is that if you alter the objects when editing & change the center of the block bounding box the update causes the copies of the block to move. Or to be resized to fit the old outline. I'm thinking I may not understand the process of editing an existing block while not resizing the copies or not moving the current position of the copies. Would someone elaborate on the process needed to update block definitions? Thanks
  17. BTW this is a tool I found that may be useful: If you still need a solid I an do it in Autocad for you if you have dimensions. You can then import into Chief.
  18. Personally, I export all floors together. I had a 7 story condo last year I had to work with. The problem is that Chief uses the floor designator as a suffix on the layer name 7 make it impossible to sort by floor. So I created a LISP routine to rename the layers & make the suffix a prefix. Now you can sort by name & easily turn floors on & off in Autocad. The other issue i have is I like black background in Model space so the layers don't show well. I don't care about the colors as much as I like black background so I have another LISP I run to change all objects to color BY Layer and then turn all layer to white. Note that LISP is a program that runs in AutoCAD like Ruby in Chief, sort of:) Layer CA.LSP Bylayer-Color.lsp
  19. Attached is a pan I have had to adjust to ceiling heights several times during this design and now there are several issues. One question is that to have a flat (1/4 per flor slope) roof with parapet walls is a balcony room above with a manual roo plane the best way to go? Somehow the hole in the very top roof got a different height than the room defining that level. Also the room does not build down to the ceiling plane, see elevation. The light fixtures did not follow the new ceiling heights When I tried to add a small stair to the roof access door on the left, Chief did not recognize the mezzanine floor surface. Any insight would be appreciated. <04/04/18> Zip file removed. I have overcome most of the issues.
  20. Good suggestion Mick I started messing about with this procedure after encouragement from Michael. See attached Garage Door Double.calibz Railing Flat Horrz.calibz
  21. Just tried it. Could not get rid of the 1" divider in plan view nor the dashed line showing the plan view door opening area. When mulled the door look good in elevation views.
  22. I wrote the instructions down as not to forget: Make a Double Garage Door Procedure If you need a double wide for the wider garage door: open a new blank PLAN draw a wall & insert the door you want Remove the casings & threshold In A 3D overview Use the Delete Surface Tool to remove all the wall layers Nothing but the door showing use Tools/Symbols/convert to symbol then Add to the library using default settings Back to plan, delete the wall, then insert the new symbol from the library copy & paste to get 2 of them. move side by side. Go to 3D overview and Convert to a symbol, this time save as DOOR & rename Delete the first single door symbol from the library You are good to go.
  23. Thanks Eric, Michael was kind enough to show me how to do just that.
  24. That's correct. The big door does not look good stretched. The front looks better if you see 3 layouts one is actually one door.
  25. In the catalog, I found a Garage door I want to use but it doesn't work on the double-wide garage door. How does one deal with this?