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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. This house I'm working on requires wall schedule, something I seldom do, but do you put the drainage plane and wire lath in the wall definition? If so are those items in the Chief Library?
  2. Thank again, I learn something every day !
  3. Thanks Joe. I think I see the issue. Changing the plan defaults did not update the doors in plan. When I update them the name changes. Still exploring .
  4. In my door schedule for casings it list "STOCK" and not the casing name. Where is that "STOCK" coming from? Because I want the casing name.
  5. So in one view the columns show up but in the opposite view they disappear. Vector view elevations.
  6. Ok I was able to drag the truss envelope to restore normal shape. Something funky going on. the framing member has a large notch. And the wall plate on the wall where the truss bears is lower than the side wall framing. Something I'm missing, I unchecked soffit & flat under soffit.
  7. That's more like it but is that a tapered roof truss?
  8. We have covered balconies where the roof extends out several feet beyond the balcony room below. One roof has no room below but does have a balcony 2 floors below. How do you construct a roof plane with a ceiling and a 16" deep roof truss? Ok the roof truss start at 16" deep but slope 1/4" per foot to the gutter edge. I keep getting a funky truss.
  9. The referenced details are the reason I don't just renumber the set. The project come over from Rivet & I did not want to chase down all the details. Seems you always miss one. One of those projects where the client said I just want to make a few changes. Which I did in Autocad. Then the client & owner wanted to have separate plan for each house and make a few more changes. Oh and while your at it lets change the floor truss heights. I have now re-drawn the house in Chief for corrected elevations & floor plans.
  10. That is what I'm doing but thought the automation would be nice to take advantage of. This is only the 2nd project this was needed. As I recall I used the blank layouts method last time. Just seems like you (the user) should be able to choose the starting number.
  11. Thanks fellas. It is an unusual situation so I'll manually number them.
  12. It can wait until Monday, the job is not due until Wednesday The previous drafter did the job in Rivet in 2018. I got the CAD export & needed to separate the two houses. This is the little one that they decided t build finally. It has so may tags that reference sheet numbers that I decided not to redo the sheet numbers, just start the sheets at A16
  13. So here is a thought. If I create a variable A-Start = 15 Then in the layout Page Field I put something like "A-%( + A-Start).to_s%" Obviously I have no idea how to get the Page # but would something like that work?
  14. Yes the "starting number" is the feature I wanted to use. The 15 blank layouts is too close to using a sledge hammer to drive finish nail for me.
  15. Maybe I did something wrong but this is what I get. I put A-16 and then each successive layout I put A-# I wand to skip labels A-1 through A-15
  16. Modifying plans I have a need to start the sheet with A-16 Is there still no way to set the starting number? A-16 A-# A-# A-# A-# yields A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20
  17. I bought my wife, who does craft work & painting, this lamp several year ago. They did not have the dimmer & color temp control then. I think these features are desirable. I like the sleek and simple design and the flexible arm. I would consider one for my desk if they had a table model with a longer arm. My office has good lighting so I'm not really in the market. If I could change anything with my lighting it would be a dimmer with light temperature control. In the morning & evenings I like lower light levels with a warm temperature. That's what happen when you get old & picky. Good luck with your project.
  18. FYI, We've had good reports for this system .
  19. Lots info on the internet, look at the UL site. The ceiling may need more attention, i.e. steel channels. The door is usually 45 min rated. Any penetrations in walls & ceilings will need fire rated treatments (fire caulk or dampers for ventilation ducts) The batteries often give off a combustible gas so ventilation will be needed. Consider a suppression system, maybe Halon along with your smoke & co2 & heat sensors. Be cautious with a bomb in the basement. BTW the gas given off by batteries is flammable. You many be using sealed lead acid but someone may replace them in the future. Good luck..
  20. Dermot, Is the Script folder migrated? C:\Users\Alan\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Scripts
  21. All great information. Thanks fellas.
  22. Any of you experienced with a side mount garage door motor? Looks like a good idea.