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About abqjim

  • Birthday 12/06/1964

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    Albuquerque NM USA
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    Wide ranging :)

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  1. I have tried many things, but not the right thing yet. I am missing something when seeking to display quadrant measurements. https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqfa6mmhz3gkz9r/Quadrant.webm?dl=0 I hope it is so simple that I am just missing it. Thanks inb advance for any help.
  2. I have always thought that Chief should have a material creator like this as an integral part of the program. grout width and color control rocks Now, if we had tile catalogs from the tile manufacturers and grout selection from the major grout suppliers. that would be pretty cool, too.
  3. Thanks for the replies. I am needing to convert the actual plan and was hoping not to have to redraw it if possible
  4. Is there a way to convert existing CA plan files from Imperial to metric?
  5. I would like to display a 360 view on my website. Is it done via an I frame? Is there a place to learn more?
  6. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search.html?q=beer+tap&backendClass=both
  7. Maybe a time lapse video of an as-built through working drawings kind of thing?