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Posts posted by ericepv

  1. This is a perfect application for Substance Player. If you don't want to go through the download and learning process (it's pretty simple), do a search for an offset tile image in your favorite search engine.


  2. Adrian:


    Without seeing your plan or knowing your system specs (Chief Version, video card), it's hard to say exactly but In my own experience, I've found that two of the most important parts of producing a nice rendering are lighting and materials.


    My tip for lighting is to use ambient lighting sparingly (if at all) and focus instead on adding your own lighting. Experiment with sunlight settings (go easy on the intensity) and be sure to turn on shadows. Material properties are also key to creating a realistic look (check the Knowledge Base for some articles and videos on this).  


    There's no magic setting, you just have to experiment to learn how each setting effects the look of your rendering. Like the old saying about how to get to Carnegie Hall, practice! Once you get the hang of the basics you can get a really nice rendering from Chief. Here's one I modeled and rendered in X13:




    Hope this helps - Eric

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  3.  I made a few adjustments:


    Camera settings - Turn off Bloom, Set Ambient Occlusion to 25%, Set lighting for 'Default Light Set'

    Rendering Techniques - In Std tab set Ambient to 0. In PBR, set 'Camera Exposure' to .15, 'Daytime backdrop Intensity' to 25.




    This should get you started. From here, you can adjust the lighting, sunlight and shadows and also work on your material properties.

    Hope this helps -Eric



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  4. Go to 'Rendering Techniques Options' and in the 'Physically Based Rendering' tab (his looks like a PBR) reduce the 'Daytime Backdrop Intensity'. I find that a setting between 200 and 500 works best. Also, make sure your sunlight 'Intensity' (in the 'Adjust Sunlight' DBX) is set for a lower value (usually 5000 - 15,000 works well).

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