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Everything posted by mscpbd

  1. Royal pain! It's fine if I keep it on one computer but if I bring it home to work, it happens every time. It doesn't go back to original at the office, it's totally messed up. :-( Glad to know it's not just me... Debra
  2. Anyone figure out what is going on with the text wrapping? When I work on a project at the office and come home to work on the same project, this happens. This problem is getting highly irritating! I'm trying to figure out if I need to do something different or I'm stuck with this. If I click on the text the text unwraps until I get back to the office and it goes back. It's almost like the text is trying to adjust for the different computers. I know the resolution is different from the office and my laptop but this is a pain. I'm using Ariel and automatic width/height. Debra
  3. Do any of you have any experience using a 4K tv as a monitor? I picked up a 40" Samsung tv for use as a monitor for $297. I can finally lean back in my chair because I can see so well but the resolution is wrecking havoc with my eyes. I'm used to a 24" 2800k monitor but my graphics card can go up to 4K. I'd like to see if the 4K is going to be that much of an improvement in clarity. Any thoughts? Debra
  5. Well that is just weird... Mine came in just fine in X8... ? Debra
  6. Thanks Dave, and I agree with you! :-) Debra
  7. Looks better... I'd still like to make it look more real but I thank you for your help! :-) Debra
  8. Kirk, I've went through it again and changed it in the launch assistant. I had changed it in the setup but it didn't make any difference, kind of weird. I'm rendering right now and it already looks so much better. I will post the final view for your input. Thank you, Debra
  9. Blur and Caustics are both not checked...? Not sure what is going on.
  10. Can anyone tell me why I can't get the graininess out of this raytrace? I've run it SEVERAL times and can't seem to get it to sharpen up. I've attached the grainy one... Debra
  11. I'd like to see what software you use to work with Chief on your models? I've looked at Lumion. I have created 3d models with Chief that are VERY close to real looking but they take a long time to setup, with a lot of trial and error. Anything you have found and love? Debra
  12. I was wondering when Chief was going to put in more decorative foundation vents - oval maybe...? Thanks for sharing your vent, it does look better than what's in the library now. :-) Debra
  13. Solved by printing to PDF - no longer works via .plt file. Guess that's how they sell new printers. ;-)
  14. Hello everyone, I am having issues with printing anything from X7 in Windows 8.1. I have a dino of a printer Xerox 8830 and I have been using the Xerox 510 drivers - 64-bit - with no problem, until this last version of Chief. I can print an older (pre X7) and the print file came out as a .plt file. Everytime I print "to file" in Chief using the Xerox 510 drivers - HPGL/2 it wants to save them as .prn files. ALL I get when I send those to the printer are 8.5 wide portion of the plan, perfect scale. I have checked ALL the settings in the printer, driver and Chief and I find nothing that would cause this... help. I can't "save as" a .plt file and have them work either. I tried Chiefs Tech. support dept and gave up after sitting on hold for a good while. Debra
  15. Thank you everyone! It is amazing all the technology out there, it gets confusing sometimes. I ran the BenchMark check on my existing PC... and slow is pretty much it. Debra
  16. Ok - I'm a bit comfused... some people are saying Xeon is faster and some are saying i7 is faster...
  17. Thanks to you all! I will check out the other threads as well....
  18. I'm looking at a new computer system and I have a few questions. I need something that will give really good raytraces, fast rendering times and last me a few Chief upgrades. What is better for Chief a Xeon double/quad core proccessor or a 4th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 and why? I also need recommendations for video cards. I'm looking on Dells website, at the deals they have going on this week. ;-) Debra Here is what I have now - maybe just need to tweak what I have now or do a full upgrade? Operating System Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 CPU AMD Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition Agena 65nm Technology RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 399MHz (5-5-5-18) Motherboard MSI MS-7375 (CPU 1) Graphics VA2448 SERIES (1920x1080@60Hz) VA2448 SERIES (1920x1080@60Hz) 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (BFG Tech) 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (BFG Tech) ForceWare version: 337.88 SLI Enabled Storage 465GB NVIDIA RAID5 465.77G (RAID) Optical Drives ASUS DRW-2014L1T SCSI CdRom Device ATAPI DVD C DH52C2S SCSI CdRom Device
  19. Desktop - Budget - approx. $1500-2500 I was looking at building up one with Dell but not sure what processor and video cards would be best. Debra
  20. I've got a question... Looking at a new computer. Can you guys give me an idea of some really good computer specs for a new one? I want something that will give great graphics, walk-throughs and 3d views smoothly. I'm not sure what X7 will require, so it needs to be something that will smoke for a few years. :-) Debra
  21. Thanks for all the ideas guys! :-) Debra
  22. Does anyone have a curved stacked column like this? Debra
  23. I've not had any problem with a raytrace using stone. I changed a grass texture to one I had found (seamless) and that seems to be the beginning of my problem. I didn't put two and two together until I read a few other posts. I have had to go into the settings and turn off caustics under photon mapping because the raytraces started hanging up at 91%. Before I added that texture, I could run a raytrace with the above checked... I guess it was just to much to handle. Debra