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    The Deep South.

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  1. Where did the ability to turn off the camera update go... so the views can be edited in layout?
  2. Does anyone have an individual 3d - 8"x16" split face cmu block? I need 3d and not just a texture to apply to a wall. Thank you in advance. Debra
  3. Thanks everyone! It's not the first time I've run into this, and when you do flip the plan, if you add new text it adds it upside down! I wish there was a way that we could tell the program that THIS wall will be the new front and everything will know to orient to the new angle.
  4. Can anyone tell me the best way to flip a house in Chief X15 front to back - not side to side. I have a client that now wants the back of the house to be the front. If I flip the house all the text stays as is and it's upside down, is there a trick that I'm missing? Debra
  5. Thanks guys! I marked the answer from Chris above as the solution, it looks right, even if I did have to force it. I'm not sure why that happens sometimes and both of the items you mentioned above make it look like it should. I'm not big fan of it not being correct but at least we can get this project done without putting in individual columns and beams. I think this must be a bit of a bug with Chief but it doesn't happen a lot, thankfully! Debra
  6. I've deleted the end rails and dragged the front porch rails around, I still get this weird event. I can't find anything that changes this... it's been a long week. See the new images below. Debra
  7. - Found this interesting so I thought I'd share. Debra
  8. x13 - Have to update my sig.... I guess I didn't the "Irrigation" catalog downloaded. Thanks again - not my favorite sinks (no storage) but it's what the client wanted.
  9. You guys are great! I did a search for barrel and the other one never came up!! Thank you SO much! Debra
  10. Does anyone have a rustic barrel sink? Thanks in advance! Debra