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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. I just checked my system text size and it was set to small. I just did a comparison with bringing it to medium and I think I like that better. Since I have a 30" primary monitor and a 27" secondary I no longer mind losing a little screen real estate to larger text.


    In the attached image the smaller text is the smaller text and the larger text is a little bigger (medium on Windows 7).

    comparing text sizes.pdf

  2. Almost never crashed in x6. Some random crashes in x7 beta. x7 full is crashing 2-3 times a day (4-8 hours of drafting).  The library is causing freezing. Camera views the other problems.


    Edit, changed my auto save to 2 mins due to the issues.

  3. Presumably you had saved the file that was sent to layout at some point (or many points). If so, then you have a series of back ups in your archives. What is your auto back up setting time period? I have my set pretty short so I get autosaves about every 120 seconds. You may have a file in the archives that is a short period of time behind the corrupt file?