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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. I did send in a ticket. You may have grabbed the file that I uploaded that had cleared the issue. Also, I had made a polyline fix and I can't remember if that second file had it moved away.  I did send it in to support but no word back yet.

  2. If you go with stucco you can get really good results with Acrylic and Elastomeric finish coats. It can still have that smooth concrete look without getting the hairline cracks that are typical of a standard stucco finish. I am not sure how they hold up in cold climates but they work great in my climate.

  3. That is loco by Anderson if they have callouts to RO but I can see if being a lot easier to deal with in the field since your 2'6 window is framed at 30". You may have to customize your callouts for the windows and size for the specified RO.