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Posts posted by CharlesVolz

  1. 6 hours ago, M-Reed said:

    I am a far more frugal person than many and have a tendency to use what I have and to create new ways to use my old items or processes. It seems the tendency of the general public to pay more for the latest and greatest is an accepted trend. Just look at the cost of new phones but yet they continue to sell! Some are $1500! I would be happy with a classic flip phone that simply made calls! LOL - Maxie

    I am with you on the phone, if that meets your needs. 

    I am with you on the keyboard, if that meets your needs.


    For some of us, it is an investment that pays off big time. 

  2. I use them also.


    You could say that the perspective views are distorted... to look correct from one point of view. But we don't draw what we see, we draw a scaled structure so that it can be built. Perpectives only help us understand the structure from our limited point of view. Perspectives translate the actual to our understanding. 


    Reminds me of an interesting book from highschool geometry, discussing that a line looks like a point (or two) if you are at a point in that line. A polyline looks like a line, etc. 

  3. 2 hours ago, joeyaccount said:

    Will it be possible, and practical, to Auto Build Foundations or should I just CAD them?  Is anyone doing Mono foundations with good results?

    Yes, No, Yes.


    Howdy Joey,


    I suggest you spend some energy on tutorial videos or one-on-one training, depending on how you learn the best. I can help you with training as can others on this forum.




  4. Upgrade quicker!


    Rent or use a trial version if you have to.


    At 10 designs per year, it would only cost you the equivalent of a couple hours of design time (or less) each month. You are spending much more time than that not having it.


    The software is not perfect, but focus on what it does do well without glitches. It melts my butter.




    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    I modify the wall type for a pole barn and manually draw the trusses to look exactly like they are bought. I set up the roof to receive the purlins.




    Nice Rob!


    Don't forget the purlin blocking.



    On 8/15/2022 at 12:09 AM, DBCooper said:

    Saved plan views keep track of the "layer set".  They don't keep track of any individual layer settings.  So in Eric's video, you can see how "never save" will not prompt you or save the layer set change he made.   


    My guess is that you are turning individual layers on/off and expecting this to be temporary.  The program doesn't work that way.  I think what you want is maybe something more like this:



    I agree.


    I use default sets and layer sets that are temporary (I call "Working") and permanent (I call "Final"). These are set for all categories: floor plan, electrical, plumbing, etc. I change the Working sets as I need to without worry. I never change the Final unless I tweak them with extreme caution. The Final sets are what goes to Layout. That way I do not have to worry about that stray layer being left off on on in the layout view.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    Try this next time:

    1. Open up Plan Materials and Select All.
    2. De-select the material in question
    3. Click the Merge button, click Edit, click on the Properties tab, change the Transparency to 100%, and click Okay.
    4. Click on the material in question, click Edit, and set a very bright color for the Material Color on the Pattern tab.
    5. Open a 3D view, set it to Vector View, and Rotate your model to you find what you're looking for. 
    6. Click Undo a couple times to get things back to normal.

    NOTE:  Using Vector View isn't necessary and actually won't work in older versions of Chief either, but I find it easier on the eyes than using a Standard View.



    Thanks Michael! Added to my list.

  8. On 7/30/2022 at 5:23 PM, glennw said:

    You could generate a material list, select the line item or the Description cell for the material and then from the edit menu use Find Object In Plan.


    Good idea Glenn! I will add it to my list, but it did not help me find a material on an ice maker. That detail was not in the material list. Also, is there not a way to search the material list without exporting or copy/pasting it to another program? Hand searching a large material list with the entire plan of materials is tedious.

  9. On 11/15/2020 at 1:01 PM, rgardner said:

    Although we don’t currently have a solution to prevent this, there are a couple of steps you can take to restore your custom toolbars when it happens. Once you customize your toolbars, you will want to go into your Chief Architect Premier X12 Data folder (normally located in your Documents folder) and make a copy of the Toolbars folder (naming it something like Toolbars Customized). If your toolbars then get smashed you can use that copy of your toolbars folder to restore them.

    The first thing to try when the toolbars get smashed it to undock and/or re-dock your side windows such as your Library Browser. Another user that has experienced this issue reported this restoring their toolbars.

    If that doesn’t work then, save your work, close Chief and navigate to the your Chief Architect Premier X12 Data folder. Copy your Toolbars Customized folder to the Toolbar folder and relaunch Chief. That should restore your customized toolbars without having to re-customize them.


    I lose my toolbar configuration often if I drag the plan to display on my second monitor (which is smaller but the same resolution).


    I do the above AND copy my configuration using CA as below. I just make 4 or 5 copies after making any changes to my toolbars (and renaming using the date of modification). Then when my toolbars go wonky, I just select the next configuration. It has always worked for me as long as I have copies remaining.


    __CA temp 6.JPG