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  1. Hello, I run a design firm in NH | ME and am looking to partner with a firm to help with construction drawings. While I've been drawing on Chief since x9, I'm just good enough to be dangerous. I can create the preliminary plan but would like a firm to help me with construction drawings and renderings. Would you be willing / able to do this? Thank you, Amy Dutton
  2. Hello, I run a design firm in NH | ME and am looking to partner with a firm to help with construction drawings. While I've been drawing on Chief since x9, I'm just good enough to be dangerous. I can create the preliminary plan but would like a firm to help me with construction drawings and renderings. Would you be willing / able to do this? Thank you, Amy Dutton
  3. I can't seem to find the annotations and dimension dialogue boxes in X12. I'm trying to set defaults and everything is off. Are there no more annotations?
  4. Ah, in the wall dialogue box not the roof plane. Got it- thx!
  5. How do I put a roof return on this roof? Can't find a video about it anywhere on the Chief Website... is there another name for it? See attachment, and where I drew in black.
  6. ARE YOU KIDDING? X8 is FLAWED! Do NOT UPGRADE!! We updated and it crashed every few minutes. After 8 entire days of talking to Chief who will not admit that it is a problem on their end and I'm not one step forward and thousands of $$$$$ behind! No customer service and no technical support. Absolutely terrible!
  7. Small residential firm located in Kittery, Maine/ Portsmouth, NH is seeking experienced draftsperson in Chief Architect. We draw on X6 on a mac. Part-time hours and would consider working remotely if this can happen easily and effectively in the office. Full-time available should candidate be a available to be in the office and willing to perform other tasks. We specialize in additions and renovations to old homes. Hourly rate based on experience. Contact: amy,
  8. I'm looking to hire someone either remotely or in my office for 20 - 30 hours a week. I'm having a hard time finding anyone with experience or a place to appropriately post the position. I have X6 for Mac. Located in Portsmouth, NH. Is there job postings site that I am missing?