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Everything posted by buzzsaw204

  1. hi, just wondering why my Tree is not showing in my 3D View in X12, but show X10. CA Bonus Catalogs.Zip is be in the right Folder location on each Version. Chief Architect Premier X10 Data/Textures/CA Bonus caroliniana 1.png Chief Architect Premier X12 Data/Textures/CA Bonus caroliniana 1.png
  2. hi, how can i get the Grass texture to render as one surface/carpet looking instead of the Tile patched together
  3. i see it now....i guess it dont work on already used (drawn) Walls on the plan, prior to writing in the attributes. look like have to redraw the entire plan. and going forward it will be displayed. thank you A_S!
  4. hi, how or where or what Settings...i do need to do... to have the Wall Type attribute (Object Info) to show up (populate) onto my Wall Schedule??
  5. hi, i got this with Auto Detail task. the Wall Section shows the regular insulation and the other large 1/2 rings. this my Wall Type...and whats generated. what is it causing that???
  6. hi, im in X12. just noticed theres no Handle to move/rotate the Label by Mouse. just have to manually enter X, Y coordinate into Text Box. whats change from X10?? thanks,
  7. WOW....all these years, i alway raised the Roof 12" for heel height. But just never noticed that Chief framed that additional wall above the Main Wall. just looking back at all my other Plans.....and there it is!! thank you all!!
  8. hi all, what is that Extra height thats on my Wall (and being frame) thats being added above my Floor Height setting thats at 97 1/8"?
  9. hi, what is the Setting to cap/closed the end wall? this 3d view just show that it's not.
  10. looking to buy a X12 license. PM if have.
  11. hi all, i have 2 .plan open..... when i select Perspective Framing plan would show the Framing view as it should. when on the other Perspective Framing just show the Perspective Full Overview where is the Setting to change the Perspective Framing show Framing.
  12. not sure what else am I missing. can't still have the -S- Step Markers to display.
  13. Where do I turn on the setting to display the Step Marker on the Foundation Plan Set?? i do have the Step Marker layer display turn On.
  14. is there a real practical use for Auto Interior Dimension??? takes 1click & 1/2 second to auto dim your drawing (awsome!!! and useful) then 10 minutes to select and delete unwanted dims. is there better solution to this??
  15. i think it has something to do with the Dimension lines. i had couple old dim. style lines from previous imports. i deleted it and created a new dim style. seem to be ok now. like Chopsaw...nothing as extreme as before with the old dim. lines.
  16. yes. i have came across the same problem. the 5 blocks created in the minimum area of the objects is in the box. but the other 2 have a larger block area, even those there's no objects outside the red box.
  17. hi, where or what Text Style is use for the Temporary Dim. lines. i would like to make it big, as i sometime use it when i manually stretch the poly line. thank you.
  18. have anyone done any 3D printing on their project. can you share some pics?? i am interested and looking into getting 3D Printing.
  19. hi, is there a option to Build / Rebuild the pile layout. like the way CA have the Build Floor Framing?? when you adjust your walls, and click Build Floor Framing, it will rebuild the floor framing to the new wall. is there a way to do that for the piles.... for when you adjust you foundation wall. then you can rebuild you Pile accordingly.
  20. is the a way to change the default Space Planning "Room Box Specification" default properties?? like.... when you draw a room using Space Planning room .(ie bedroom, bath...) the box draws in by default as Solid linetype, angle hatch Fill, linetweight=1 i would like the change the default to fill, Dotted linetype. lineweight=10
  21. if you're "new" to CA. just whatever computer you have. if you have Mac...use it, if you have PC, use that. CA will work for both PC, and Mac. no point in burning couple $K on a computer when you're just starting up.
  22. On a Mac... i was able to open 2 Layouts in Mac running X8 today. try this.... do your opening file by Double Clicking on the Layout file in your Finder, instead of CA Open Dialog. AND.... quickly Double Click again on the same Layout, while the 1st Layout is still in process of opening. the trick is open the 2nd or 3rd layout before the 1st is 100% completely open up. try it and post your result.
  23. hi, is there a toggle to change the Door Swing before you insert the door. When I first initiate to Insert a door, my door swing is always on the left. I would have to insert the door, and take an extra step to Flip the door. Is there a way to toggle the door to the right, then initiate the insert. thanks,