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  1. Is there a way to split a backdrop from front to back. We have a house that sits on a lake. I am using lake backdrop, but obviously the house isn't floating in the lake. I have photos of lake and the land view. We are interior architects and don't need to build the terrain. Is there a solution? Thanks, Mardie
  2. Having issues exporting a collada file. Turns the collada file into a Windows media player file and the textures into a separate file. Have been able to export these files before, not sure what's happening. Tried in x12 and x13. Any suggestions? thanks, Mardie
  3. I have checked the project browser, all elevations are on the same layer according to the project browser. I have gone through every layer option and other choice I can think of and nothing is working. It's an anomaly I haven't encountered before.
  4. Of Course on a deadline and never experienced this in 20 years! HELP! See attached. Working on elevations. Using exactly the same cross section elevation, but one is coming up as "Active Defaults" and one is coming up as "1/4" Defaults", there is not an option for "Active Defaults" in the drop down. Creating havoc on Notes. Have not idea how to fix this. Thanks! Mardie
  5. Thank you everyone. It was a microsoft windows 10 issue. Created havoc in all of my software. They sent a repair and rebooted and it worked. Blue color completely gone and my library is back to normal. Strange that windows 10 can change Chief's library info. Thank you for all of your suggestions! Mardie
  6. Started up drawings to day and everything is light blue. Strange color. The entire interior paint color of a 10,000 sqft house I am doing changed to light blue, even though the color says 255,255,255 and that was not it's original color numbers were completely different. This is a copy and saved color I have been using for a year. Everything has a bluish tinge. Paint colors I created have changed to light blue. Of course, these drawings - all 20 pages are due Sunday night. Please help!!!
  7. We are looking for a CA draftsman in the Boise area to take our completed floor plans and 3D interiors and turn them into working drawings, elevations, sections, etc... No architectural drawings needed, that will be done by others, just interiors. We usually do it ourselves, but are too busy to meet current deadlines. You can reach us here or directly, Thanks!
  8. I am in Kitchen Bath layer set, NKBA dimensions, defaults for 1/16" is checked, but drawing is showing in feet and inches instead of just inches? Never had this happen before in x10. Anyone else have this problem? Solutions?
  9. Didn't work, I deselected on all of the options for elevations.
  10. How do I get the second floor elevation markers off my first floor plan? second floor elevation markers.pdf
  11. Drywalled doorway openings - I cannot change the opening to the same color as the walls??? See attached. I've changed the wall materials to all drywall and painted the same wall color. I'm at a loss on how to solve this problem? drywall doorway color.pdf