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  1. In the Midwest when we use 2) 2x10s or 2)lvls we nail them tight together with a specific nailing pattern. Most of the time these are nailed to the bottom side of the top plate. Headers up tight to the top of the wall. We add a plate to the bottom of the header and this forms the top of the window RO. The remaining 2.5 inches on the interior is insulated. Chief defaults to a split header or a hollow header. Can I change this?
  2. Can I adjust the opacity of just one object in glass house rendering? maybe you would like to do glass house with a few very hard to describe beams as a solid.
  3. do you use your desktop for most of your work and laptop for offsite? I cant stand desktops cluttering up my office.
  4. dell makes alienware. and i did just update my sig. it was outdated this morning to the legion s7. (the legion s7 was a mistake purchase. it had the smaller graphics card) the Alienware (dell) m17 has been a pill from day one.
  5. I dropped this in a laptop thread. But does anyone else go through a high amount of expensive laptops? Regarding laptops for x15. I purchased an alienware M17 R5 (made by dell) Processor AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX with Radeon Graphics 3.30 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.2 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor numerous phone supports sessions i have had 3 site visits for onsite tech support, they switched out the actual laptop with a refurbished unit. After 1 month of use the refurbished laptop started crashing and running slow. I started another support ticket! the warranty expired during the support ticket. They have deleted the support ticket and stated they would not sell me an extended warranty because the computer was broken. During my call to Dell today, (which resulted in them denying the support) I spoke with a very knowledgeable tech who was polite, and as helpful as he could be within their rules. He said that my use of the laptop may be causing the issues. Chief is my only use other than email and buildertrend. so take this into consideration when purchasing a 2500.00 laptop. (this is my 3rd laptop in 3 years.) razer 15, got hot, bulged the battery replaced the battery and power supply. Used this heavy for probably 2 years. Legion 5, would not render high graphics renders, clay, ray trace lenova legion s7, would not render high end graphics, clay or raytrace. crashed if clicked. I then went to the Alienware M17, r5. this was according to the guy at Best Buy be the best model for chief and my use. So maybe i should be looking at a desktop?
  6. Regarding laptops for x15. I purchased an alienware M17 R5 (made by dell) Processor AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX with Radeon Graphics 3.30 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.2 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor numerous phone supports sessions i have had 3 site visits for onsite tech support, they switched out the actual laptop with a refurbished unit. After 1 month of use the refurbished laptop started crashing and running slow. I started another support ticket! the warranty expired during the support ticket. They have deleted the support ticket and stated they would not sell me an extended warranty because the computer was broken. During my call to Dell today, (which resulted in them denying the support) I spoke with a very knowledgeable tech who was polite and helpful as he could be within their rules. He said that the heat generated by the graphics is not good for a laptop. so take this into consideration when purchasing a 3500.00 laptop. (this is my 3rd laptop in 3 years.) razer 15, got hot, warped the case. purchased a new battery, runs great. used this heavy for probly 2 years. Legion 5, would not render high graphics renders, clay, ray trace another high end laptop, i don't have the name, it is with our office manager, it would not render high graphics renders. I then went to the Alienware M17, r5. this was according to the guy at Best Buy be the best model for chief and my use. So maybe i should be looking at a desktop?
  7. Hey All, When auto building deck framing, Does anyone know a way to build the deck beam "flush" and if using the drop beam method to adjust the drop beam location (this would be the cantilever distance on the joist) It seems that chief defaults to 16" ... Mr Solver,
  8. OK, the live view was clunky before so I skipped the many generations of this tool and just started using it with x12. The rotate/resize about current point did not work for me yet. I play around and figure it out. thanks
  9. The marquee select works great. This is probly not exact as it should be. where is the default setting for size of image at layout? is this in the plan side or layout side?
  10. This changes the size of the the layout box. But the image size stays the same. So this is almost the same as cropping the photo or rendering.
  11. using live camera views in layout, how do I change the size of these in the layout sheet. I would like my renderings to measure 12" wide but I cannot change the size. Probly just an oversight on my part.
  12. We use the subdivision method for our plot plans. I draw the lot and the topography as it is before grading. Set the house as symbol from the other plan file. I also use generic symbols from my library to set the "neighbors" houses. This is a good way to communicate sidelines.
  13. This would seem to be a fairly logical adjustment to the window sill panel. Elevation of sill.... .75" above bottom of window. Maybe it is more complicated because the window frame or no frame is in this location. I did read through the questions and responses from the drywall return window thread that solver suggested. I didn't have any luck with the exterior attachments. I couldnt adjust the location of the exterior attachment. Location was set by exterior casing.
  14. wow, looks like you guys rode that issue quite a ways. Not a within the window defaults fix. Thanks for the quick response.
  15. is it possible to create windows with drywall returns and a wood sill. When I create a window I choose these options. 1. no interior casing 2. use interior sill , cap #1, inset 3" extend 0, no apron, no wrap 3. uncheck, "has frame" the sill disappears into the drywall return at the base of the window. pictures below, untitled 1 is an image from my chief of a window I was working on, picture of window with sill is a quick google images search of drywall return with wood sill. My customer wants something like that without the dog-ears and the extension.