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Hi Everyone. 

I have a client that would like a loft in the garage. I have tried building a second story leaving the roof sitting on the top plate, but when I do, the software seems to want to set everything to the same ceiling height.  This won't work because the home has is to have 10' ceilings and the garage has 9' ceiling. They want the ceiling over the garage vaulted. The loft is to be in the rear over the entry door and coming out about 3-4 feet in front of the garage/ master bath wall..   There will be a window on the gable that they want to give light into the garage.  The front part of the garage will open all the way to the roof.   Can anyone help me come up with a way to draw the loft system without the program changing the ceiling heights? I thought about drawing a slab and raising it up...not sure if that would be the right way to solve this problem.  So, I came to you all to see if you have yet another great solution for me to use.   I have attached plans and pictures... although I think the picture is from a side loading garage, it gives the idea of what they want.  This is drawn in x7.  Thanks!

house plan DEFINATE.plan

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