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I am interning with a construction company.  I am new to chief architect.  I am more familiar with Revits.  I have been tasked in helping straighten out their materials list in their stock home plans in order to make the estimating sheet more accurate and make the design uniform across all projects.  The user catalog that they are using is more or less up to date with the tags they want to use at this point.  However, I am having to go into each and every item and change the materials to the stock items they want to use.  In Revits, there is a right click option that allows me to select all of an item in the plan (say all exterior walls) and then change the materials type, size, etc for all objects.  I know there is a "match" option, but where do I go from there?  Is this idea even an option in this software? I've been through the manual, but I'm not even sure how to look it up.  Thanks in advance.


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right click on exterior wall, select "open object properties" from the drop down and a DBX will get opened. go to the wall type panel, then change the material types and properties there and see how quickly all the exterior walls change in the plan as well as the material list. there are also an other ways to achieve that others will probably say some.

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Chief has lots of tools to deal with this, Using the material painter you can change, just the component, all component's in the room, items on the entire floor, items in the whole plan. very nice time saver

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