Soldier Course Arch


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I need a soldier course arch symbol that can be sized to different openings, either with a keystone or without.  I've searched this and the older forum without success.  I found a couple of topics, but nothing that discusses how to make these. 


I've tried doing some arches/polylines and converting to 3d molding, but my assigned material doesn't show up or it lays flat on the terrain instead of vertical to move it around and place on a door or window.


The segmented symbols in the library do not allow me to vary the radius to match my drawing.


Anyone have a technique for a custom segmented arched brick soldier course.



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Following is an old video Allan Brown did (found on > Allan Brown Videos) with X1 that should help you:


I like this method as the mortar and brick shape looks good IMO.


If you want to add keystones, I suppose you could do this manually.  I thought I remember there being another way to do these with window treatments or ??? but haven't been able to figure out just what that is.  There's also an article in the Help Database using CAD Blocks > Detail Components > Modular Brick > Engineer Modular that might give you some ideas.  The article shows up if you do a search using "arched brick soldier course" or something similar.

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I bought some libraries from Jay Palmer a long time ago that has a lot of what you're looking for. He probably still has them. I use then every now and then. They come in a bunch of different widths.



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