Polyline Solids & Molding Line Layer Assigment Options?


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I am currently in the process of designing a custom island post using a combination of Polyline solids, Molding Lines and 3D Molding Polylines. Being custom I will need to generate shop production drawings. I would like to be able to isolate out particular elements but there does not appear to be any means to have them assigned to a layer other than the common default Cad or Moulding Layers.


Is this even possible? or is there an alternative way to deal with this?


Many Thanks,




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You can easily assign them to any layer you want.  Make a new layer, name it, and then go into the specifications Dbx and change that items layer to whatever you created.


As a side point, i've been starting to make my columns with the cabinet tools - much easier to use, and you can make fast adjustments as necessary.  However, if you are trying to break the sections out as you mention that wouldn't be possible with the cabinet tool as far as I know....but I usually supplement with 2D section showing molding buildup etc.



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You can easily assign them to any layer you want.  Make a new layer, name it, and then go into the specifications Dbx and change that items layer to whatever you created.


As a side point, i've been starting to make my columns with the cabinet tools - much easier to use, and you can make fast adjustments as necessary.


I might be missing something. If I open a Polyline solid or Molding line I do not see a Layer tab in the DBX for the object.



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