Snaps not working (fixed)


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Just an FYI in case someone else runs into this issue. Recently I noticed that when working with roofs, the snaps were not working as expected.


Typically, you can highlight a roof plane and then select an edge of an adjoining roof plane and a CAD marker will appear to indicate the precise intersection. Then you can select a handle and resize the roof plane; the plane would snap to that CAD marker as long as object snaps was enabled. But lately the mouse would simply hover over the CAD marker without snapping to it, making precise alignment very cumbersome.


It turns out there is something quirky in the software. It will only snap to that CAD marker if the CAD, Default layer is visible. This makes sense to some degree, because in most other cases, if an object's layer is turned off there wouldn't be anything visible to snap to. But in the case of CAD markers, they stay visible even if the CAD layer is off. They simply become non-interactive.


This is a bit problematic, because if you are like me, all CAD details on the Roof Plan Set are asigned to the CAD, Roofs layer so they can be turned on seaprately. Then the CAD Defaut layer is switched off to hide unwanted object on the Roof Plan. Just know that if you want the CAD marker snaps to work, the CAD default layer must be visible.



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Its funny you bring this up.  I only tried using those markers one single time and they wouldn't snap.  I figured they were useless and since I didn't really need them I didn't explore any further.  Who knows, they may come in handy sometime now that you've pointed this out.  Thanks!

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