Design Own Built-In Appliences


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I am designing a kitchen in ChiefArchitect and i have a problem with built-in appliences. The problem is that the minimum width of all appliances I was trying to use was way much bigger than the dimensions I would like to use (minimum built-in microwave oven dimensions in ChiefArchitect was >700 mm but the catalog dimensions of my microwave oven is only 560 mm).


These are my questions:

  1. Is it possible to resize existing appliances under their minimum dimensions?
  2. How to create my own custom built-in appliances? (I know how to create normal appliances. I am only interested in built-in appliances.)

Thank you

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Joe gave you the best, easiest answer. If you want to create your own appliance, this can be done also. Model the appliance in Chief (or another program, then import into Chief). Then create the appropriate type of symbol from the model. The Reference Manual covers how to create a symbol.

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