Gable End of Porch


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I am having trouble omitting the roof overhang highlighted in the screen shot and getting the siding correct in that area. I did some research and decided to build the porch using "straight railing".  Maybe there is a better method for creating a porch but after reading some of the knowledge-based content, that is the method I chose.  I've tried every roof setting that I think could apply but have had no luck.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Home Designer Pro 2025

Screenshot 2025-03-20 101127.png

Screenshot 2025-03-20 110146.png

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Post the plan for best answers from the group. Guesses without the plan would be, wall alignment, wall definitions, wall types, roof baselines, roof gable lines, mismatched ceiling heights, etc.


One quick test would be to drag the house siding wall forward onto the porch to replace the wall you are showing to see if you get the same results...if it fixes it, then it's likely a wall alignment issue.  If it doesn't, then it could a ceiling height or other issue.


Again, just guesses without the plan.

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