Layers- Demolition, Doors and walls


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We are a remodeling contractor and I have different layers for "Demo, Existing, New etc.

When I place when I mark say a door for Demo and mark the layer as " Doors Demo"  but the door outline shows on the other layers even if "Doors Demo" is not active in that layer set. Is there a way to remove the door completely from all other layers. I have the same issue with walls. Probably a very simple fix but I'm at a loss.

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If I'm understanding your question correctly there is a way to accomplish what you are after, but not exactly the way you are describing.  You would be better off creating an AsBuilt or Demo plan and putting that on a layer to show what is going to be removed, added, moved, etc.  

There are a number of videos on Chief's website that explain several ways of accomplishing this:

Good luck!

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1 hour ago, SusanC said:

If I'm understanding your question correctly there is a way to accomplish what you are after, but not exactly the way you are describing.  You would be better off creating an AsBuilt or Demo plan and putting that on a layer to show what is going to be removed, added, moved, etc.  

There are a number of videos on Chief's website that explain several ways of accomplishing this:

Good luck!

This is what I have been doing. Was hoping I was missing something. Thanks You!!

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Another way this can be done is to create a separate as built plan file then use that file as a reference plan using glass house or some other colour scheme.  This has the additional benefit of being able to toggle the reference layer set on and off for different plan views. 

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