How to show or auto dimension framing stud lengths in elevation view?


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Is there a way to simply display, or auto-dimension, the stud lengths for a frame in an elevation view?


(I'm trying to find a faster way than to do point-to-point dimension for each and every stud)


Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.



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My go-to method is a larger scale view using a framing schedule. The framing schedule only picks up items in that view and a larger scale view means the labels will be small enough that they don't obstruct the view. I use 1/2" scale for wall details with a text size of 2". This allows me to use the least amount of dimension lines as are appropriate for the wall.

In the wall detail view, select the faming schedule tool and drop it into view. Then, adjust the columns to suit your needs.


Keep in mind that providing full component dimensions is only practical information for:

  • ordering material
  • framers who understand and can achieve perfection...this means the rest of your plan has to be 4" or 6" walls or incorrect dimensions for tub walls, stairwells and so on.


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@para-CADThanks. That example was not an actual drawing yet so it's too clean! I don't draw those the same for everyone. I only provide the schedule for those who want it, and other wise I generally provide critical dimensions. I've only had a few carpenters who ask for or appreciate all those dimensions and then I'll provide whatever they feel will help them.

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