Wall Type Definition - Extension


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I added foundation walls on the floor below.  The foundation walls were placed to have the same footprint as my walls on the 2nd floor.  Those foundation walls were set to hidden, no room definition and no locate.  I also turned off the sill plate and footing.  I was then able to get it to do something.  It frustrates me that you have to have some form of a wall below to get the extension to do anything.



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Pictured below is pretty much what I was after.  I normally don't get this detailed on my projects.  I was challenging my self at creating the look of steel ratguard trim using an actual to size molding profile.  The ratguard fastens to a treated grade board at the bottom of a post-framed wall.  The steel sheet metal panel sits on the ledge of the steel rat guard trim.  I have been experimenting with the extension wall layer feature too see if I could come up with something like I have pictured below.  I wish we didn't have to have walls placed on floor below to make use of extension.



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