Dimensions inconsistent from plan to evelation


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I am searching for what the setting issue is because my floor plan shows a wall at 141" and the elevation shows the same wall at 140 1/2" .  The 140 1/2" is correct and the floor plan dimension looks like it is pulling from further in the wall but I can't figure out how to change this. Any suggestions?  


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1 hour ago, Vicki17 said:

Yes that sounds just right.  Do you know where I find the setting for plans vs elevations for this?


Hit the Edit The Active View Button for your current elevation and change the dimension default.
for defaults go to Edit/Default Settings/Camera Tools/Cross Section/Elevation and change your default for dimensions

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Thanks is this something that would ever be an issue if I purchased your template @Renerabbitt

When I open plan default settings how do I know if I want the living area to go to "Main Layer" or "Surface" 
RIght now it says main layer.  I sort of feel like I am reading a foreign language so if you think that purchasing your template would eliminate these issues pls let me know.  

I see default settings but dont see exactly what you are referring to.  

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25 minutes ago, Vicki17 said:

When I open plan default settings how do I know if I want the living area to go to "Main Layer" or "Surface" 

"surface" is typically drywall to drywall, where "main layer" is typically stud to stud. As to which one to use, that would typically depend on what your client expects.

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