Roof Corbels


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I'm looking for suggestions on the easiest way to replicate the corbels. Rafter tails are not an option because the corbels are below the soffits. Manually attaching them to the horizontal elements should be simple, or so I assume, but I wonder if there's an automatic method. This abandoned home will eventually be a beauty once the squatters and their poop have been permanently removed.


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Seems like there's a missing option in the roof dialog. If we could separate rafter tails from the rafters (calling them something else, of course), we could vertically offset them to be below the soffit. To my uneducated coding mind, it sounds simple. I suppose it's not.

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A polyline distribution path is the easiest. Use a library symbol for the corbel and have it's elevation set 'From Roof'. A little trial and error should get it positioned correctly and you can split the path for different height settings where sloped versus where level. Obviously you may need to create a library symbol if you can't find a suitable one.

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