Tool Bar Missing


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The Status Bar is tucked behind the Windows Taskbar when you open the program. This is the same problem that some of us suffered with in X6, but was eventually corrected. Unbelievably, it was allowed to resurface in X7 beta and even thought they knew about it in January, the problem carried into the final release of X7 (very disappointing). Moreover, I have been told it may (or may not!) be addressed in the next release.


Contact tech support and let them know of your situation.


In the meantime try hitting the Maximize/Restore Down button of the Chief window. This will usually bring the Status Bar back into view for that session.


FYI: Another problem that seems to be associated with this one is that Chief is not remembering how you have configured the browser area (library, project and layers). If you have reduced their width, when you close and reopen the program Chief expands that area (as if you want all three browsers open). It may also expand the Tool Pallet to cover the browser area if you have chosen to dock the Tool Pallet  alongside and to the left of the browsers.

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Jon are you talking about the edit toolbar ?  it is possible if the toolbars are unlocked to move it , even to another screen , so it maybe "lost" if floating somewhere , so use the Reset option for "Side Windows" in the Preferences , and restart Chief and see what happens. , (this will set them all to default though.)



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