Ridge line on the 16' side of a 16' wide x 60' long structure


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Any ideas on how you could create a roof plan in chief that would be compliant with these requirements:


"All roofs shall have a minimum roof pitch of 4:12. The longest ridge line of the roof shall be roughly perpendicular to the shoreline; or for buildings at an angle, the ridge line most perpendicular to the shoreline (within 45 degrees of perpendicular)."


The shoreline is parallel with the 60' length. Can do an additional 3' on any side for the eaves, so say the 16" side could be 22"


"Story, half. A partial story under a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than three feet above the floor of the story, except that any partial story used for residence purposes, other than for a janitor or caretaker or his family, or by a family occupying the floor immediately below it, shall be deemed a full story."



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Based on the text.  Tell Chief the upper story is 3' tall.  No ceiling, but roof is checked.


Ignoring the gambrel option, how soon do you want the upper story room to have 8' ceilings?  A 12/12 pitch on all 4 sides (hipped roof) means the middle  ~6' x 50' area of the 16' x 60' upper story is 8' tall.  And a 12/12 pitch on only.the 60' walls and gable ends on the 16' walls means the middle ~6'x59' area is 8' tall and both 16' endwalls will allow windows.


It matters not what you want your overhangs to be.


Turn off auto roofs and tell chief the upper room is 8' tall.  A dashed line will appear where your 8' ceiling starts to slope downward.


And you can lower or raise your pitches to lessen or widen the available 8' ceiling high space.


Are dormers an option on the hipped roof walls?

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