Road Intersection Always Wanky!


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I'm not getting anything like that so I am guessing it only happens for certain shaped intersections.  You might be able to make it go away by making some small adjustments to where the roads meet or how they are curved.  The easiest solution might be to convert the road into a polyline shape which would give you complete control over the shape.  You may have to convert all of your roads into one polyline though.





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Select the road and look for the "convert to polyline object" tool.   You could also draw it using the "polyline road tool" or draw it using normal polyline tools and then use the "convert polyline" tool to convert it into a "road (perimeter)".


I couldn't find a good way to turn off the curb for each edge so I found that if I had multiple road pieces it was best to use the polyline union tool to merge them into one.


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On 9/20/2024 at 4:03 PM, ClearDrafting said:

Anybody have an idea as to why Chief does this?

Don’t use roads unless the road you want is real simple. 

Instead use terrain features or 3D solids or counters or slabs.

Create those 3D object by first drawing out the perimeter of your road. 


Then make a copy of those lines so you can use them later to create 3D mouldings which will be your curbs, (Before!) you create the road. 

Later if plans change and you need to adjust roads and curbs you can always convert them back to lines, readjust and reconvert to curbs and roads. 


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