Exporting a plan file


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I am trying to export a plan file to CAD for the engineer on a project.  The receiver says they cannot see the interior walls.

I have exported plan files before without issue.  Any ideas?

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Possibly the line colors are the same as their screen?...black..?  Perhaps it is frozen (layer is off).  You can try opening it in Autodesk's DWG TrueView (their free viewer) to see it for yourself.  You can also import it back into Chief to see how it is looking and if the interior walls are there.  And/or you can attach the CAD file here for someone to take a look at it.

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6 hours ago, pkarch said:

The receiver says they cannot see the interior walls.

Try turning this on:




From Chief help file:

  • Check Export AutoCAD® Index Colors to automatically map all colors used in the drawing to the closest 256 AutoCAD® Index Color (ACI). Black (RGB 0,0) and white (RGB 255,255,255) are mapped to ACI 7. When unchecked, colors are exported using RGB colors.


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