Uploading large Plan file


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I have a number of problems with a plan i'm working on that I think might be related:


  • A room that the material inspector can't determine 
  • A room where walls suddenly became "inside out"
  • That same room has a wall that can't be cut through with a door or window (ive seen in forum comments this is sometimes caused by walls on top of walls.... so I deleted the wall but had the same problem)
  • CA X16 is regularly hanging
  • yesterday it caused my Mac Mini  M2 PRO to completely crash.


I wanted to upload the file and try to get some help.... but it's 50MB and even zipped it 20 MB..


Is there any way around the size limit.... or another way to slim three plan down so I can upload it and get some help

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You can do a save as and make a copy of the plan file and delete anything that is irrelevant to the problems you are having or just upload it to you cloud account and post the link here so one of the experts can down load it and help you out.  Also it looks like it may be time to update your signature. :)

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4 hours ago, Jeffcrigler said:

Would a link to a shareable Google Drive work?


Yes I think so as long as access is not restricted.  You can always remove the link after the problem is resolved if you want to limit how many people see it.

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