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Attaching a roof plan I'm having trouble with. it's a 4 :12 pitch  Interior great room is 16 ft high in front and 12' back towards the garage area. I think that's where my problem lies.  ROOFS can be the most challenging  depending on the house design. 


I di not do auto roof but roof planes instead -can't seem to get the roof schematic in my head.  looking at it too long - shed roof + gable roofs - 7' overhang garage area being deleted . when i put it together it looks not at all like the elevations


is this pretty simple or am I making it complicated


just need direction -  is the shed roof coming over the gable part way?  if so - it seems the gables would not be symetrical on the sides...


thanks in advance 




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9 hours ago, Mark3D said:

Up load your plan I am sure someone can get you going in the right direction

Here is my plan as far as I could get . (  done many tries)  the great room height slopes from 15' front to 12 ft back.  usually I'm ok but because of the the two side gables I'm at a loss

any assistance is appreciated.  I cant seem to follow the roof schematic,



Levinadavid Nixon plan1.plan

david Nixon plan1.plan

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24 minutes ago, Mark3D said:

See if that is what you are try to do

1432567310_davidNixonplan1.plan 4.91 MB · 2 downloads

OMG!  you did it  thank you  sooo much.  I will make a copy and follow your design .. I don't know what to say.. thank you .  you've put me on track again now I will start the materials rendering process  


Many many thanks!!!

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